
What do you expect from university and future life. Student life. Attending lectures, seminars

Hello dear. You can often hear that student life is the best years of life. This may be true for some, but not for everyone. And today I would like to talk about how student life goes if you entered a prestigious university for a difficult specialty.

To begin with, I will outline the main areas that I would like to talk about:

  • Student life, daily routine.
  • Club life and just parties.
  • The myth "from session to session, students live happily."

Perhaps a little strange at first glance, the points, but in the process of reading you will understand why I singled them out and called them that way.

Student life, daily routine

I’ll make a reservation right away, we will talk about those cases when you are a diligent and diligent student, striving to get excellent grades and from the very beginning work for the student’s record. It follows that you go to all classes, after classes you diligently do your homework, and so on.

But now let's add moments that are not related to study, but take a decent amount of time, and then we will take all this into account and form an approximate daily routine:

  1. The path to the university. If you live in a hostel and the university is a maximum of 10 minutes on foot, then this item can be ignored. If you are a local resident and live far enough away, then the journey to the university can take from 30 minutes to 3 hours, let's take conditionally 1 hour to the university and the same amount back.
  2. Housework. Here, on the contrary, those who live in a hostel spend more time. They need to cook, clean up, and iron things. In total, all these things can take 1-2 hours. Although the locals also iron and tidy up, cleaning takes place less frequently, because less often guests come who are not averse to littering, but they definitely won’t clean up, and a person is rarely an enemy to himself and will not litter. Thus, about 10-20 minutes are obtained per day.
  3. Internet. It’s hard to say who will spend and how much time, 1 hour is enough for someone, someone can sit for 3 hours. Fans of online games can sit for 10 hours, but we will not consider such cases. Let an average of 2 hours.
  4. Eating, almost forgot. Let about an hour a day.

To summarize, it takes about 5 hours a day for all sorts of non-educational activities. I repeat, approx. Sometimes you can drive from university for 3 hours or someone who loves to cook and is ready to stand at the stove for 4 hours, but this does not happen often.

3 hours to the university, and this is not the capital.

So, a typical daily routine is something like this:

7:30 wake up, shower, breakfast.

Hours until 14-16 study.

Then, it would seem, free time, but you need to take into account the way home, another meal and housework. Let's say, on average, at 17:00 you can be free. And what, you can surf the Internet, go for a walk and generally have fun? No, unfortunately, no. Now we open the notes, where homework is recorded, unfinished reports on laboratory work and barely started term papers and begin to do it diligently. In a bad semester, studying at home will take so much time that there will be no time left for the Internet, the maximum strength will be enough for a shower and for dismantling the bed.

In total, if there are a lot of tasks from teachers in the semester, then going to bed at 01:00 is considered happiness, usually later.

But there are such semesters when there is practically no homework, and then you can get plenty of sleep and take a walk with friends, but more on that in the next subparagraph.

Club life and just parties

club life

TV and the Internet feed schoolchildren and applicants with serials about how fun and carefree student life is, supposedly full of parties, clubs and alcohol. I don’t know how much this all affects the minds of schoolchildren, but it certainly does, it’s not just that they film it and show it all.

But, as could be understood from the previous subparagraph, there may not be time to swirl at all. And honestly, if you want to study and gain knowledge, then do it, besides, among other things, you can get a good scholarship, which is definitely nice. If you just want to have fun for a few more years, then it’s better not to go to universities, why do you need it?

Although you can find time to relax, but it definitely won’t be daily trips to the club, but what’s there daily, not even weekly. In fact, you definitely need to rest. But this is not always possible, simply due to lack of time, so you won’t be able to study well and constantly move from one party to another in a normal university, you just won’t be admitted to the session and expelled.

The myth "from session to session, students live happily"

Let's start with the question, why do I call the proverb “from session to session students live happily” a myth, and “the first 2 years you work for a record book, then a record book works for you” I don’t consider it a myth? Everything is very simple, I consider the first proverb a myth simply based on what my student life was like. And experience tells me that a student has very little time to live happily. But, I repeat, this is true for prestigious universities and complex specialties. In other institutes of the university where I studied, everything was much simpler. Acquaintances often posted photos from various kinds of events not related to studies, from the photo it was more like it was all just drinking.

But even in my case, there were classmates who managed to visit clubs and bars quite often. Some even completed their studies and received a diploma, but there were very few of them, most were still expelled. And that is why I think that students rarely manage to live happily, although there was one semester when the question arose “What did I forget, what else needs to be done?”, but it was only once.

About the record book again a bitter experience, but not only that. No one sees the record book before the session, but at the department you are all well known by the fourth year. Therefore, the teacher who teaches your classes for the first time already knows you in absentia, knows that those three are excellent students, those five are interrupted from deuces to triples, two more are almost excellent students, there is not enough, and the rest are average. In accordance with this, the attitude of the teacher will not be much, but will differ from the very beginning of the semester. Well, by the session, the teacher will already know you well personally and, most likely, will know that you are a really good student, which will favorably affect the exam results.

As a conclusion, I would like to say that student life is really the best years of life, try not to waste this time in vain. Also try not to waste health

Student life is full of bright moments. Students and youth are two sisters. The moment of entering a college or university is very exciting. At school, things were different. School time is the most carefree time. Time for games, knowledge of the world and communication with peers. And then all this will be, but in an adult way.

At school there was time to prepare, to choose the right subjects. A student, getting older, thinks more about what he should do in life. But, unfortunately, our dreams do not always become reality. But despite this, many high school graduates go to the university they wanted. Entrance tests are over, points are enough.

It's time to get to know your classmates. All are the same as you. They don't know anything yet, the institute's building is very large. It is very difficult to quickly find the right audience. There are new subjects that were not in school. The requirements are now very different. Compared to them, the USE is a warm-up before serious loads. There are many subjects, each teacher requires that his subject is well known. And in total there are at least 15 subjects. This is not a school. I didn’t learn it - they won’t put a three for beautiful eyes, they will quickly send it for a retake. There are also excellent students here, but they do what they do not get out of the textbooks.

Student life is a time of new acquaintances, it is at the institute that you can meet many interesting and educated people, someone at this time finds his love and best friends. Many children have to work in order to continue their studies. They have very little time, but they somehow manage to combine work and study. In the morning on steam, in the evening at work, and at night for textbooks. Difficult rhythm, but you need to build your future. Someone is lucky, some students do not study anything and rest all the time, because they have good connections.

It is during their studies at the university that many are faced with blatant injustice. A lot happens in life. Student time is the best time, a person gets to know life, makes many interesting connections and acquaintances, masters a profession and acquires the skills necessary for work and communication. Then out of ordinary students come specialists who know their business.

Option 2

The time filled with a lot of new experiences, amazing events, unexpected and memorable acquaintances - all this can be said about the unique student life, which every person is obliged to spend as vividly and intensely as possible.

Student years bring a lot of joy. This number includes the beginning of adult life, so much desired by teenagers because of the long-awaited sense of independence, and the opening of new perspectives, and even building brick by brick of their future, a new life - the way they want to see it.

However, this is not the main advantage of a student's life. After all, it is at this time - the time when a person slowly begins to find and realize himself as a person, it is then that such a wonderful and unique feeling bursts into our hearts, like love. Love is already stronger, more conscious and serious, and also, perhaps, remaining in our memories for many, many years.

Student life is a time when we can completely surrender to our feelings, experience a lot of experiences, make our first serious mistakes (and without them, of course, there is no way, because only by stumbling, we can really learn something). These lessons, presented by life, will most likely remain in our memory forever.

Of course, speaking of a student, one cannot help but recall the new knowledge that he will accumulate from numerous studies and acquire thanks to the upcoming life experience. Student years are a new and certainly worthwhile chance to see the world, open up new horizons, travel the world thanks to existing exchange programs and, as a result, improve your cultural enlightenment and knowledge. foreign languages.

In addition, student life is, unconditionally, a lot of unbridled fun. Communication with new and old friends, parties, going to the cinema, spending the night together - and this is only a part of everything that lies ahead, just what comes to mind first!

And the best part is, it's for almost everyone! No matter what they say about student life, no matter how they crucify about its splendor, no matter what they think about this wonderful time, everyone will have their own student life. Unforgettable and unique. One that only you can live. One that will leave a huge imprint in your heart.

Take everything you can from your student years. After all, no matter how much you want, no matter how much you try to return this time in the end, it will only happen once and will never happen again.

Some interesting essays

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The students of the EUIS Institute are always energetic and positive (by the way, the front photo is from the dedication to the students of 2017)!

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The university becomes a second home for a freshman, and the Institute becomes a big family. The youth policy of NRU MGSU is aimed at creating a friendly and comfortable environment for the student, allowing them to reveal their potential.

An active student life, the development of organizational skills becomes an impetus for self-realization in a future successful career in the construction industry.

From the first day, students are involved in various events of the institute, university, city, all-Russian and even international scale! PHOTOCHRONICLE

IMPORTANT! We will allow and help to realize all your ideas!

Student life is based on the principles of student self-government.

This is how we have a community of CURATORS from each institute at NRU MGSU. The IEUIS CURATOR is a creative, courageous and responsible person who will definitely become your friend.

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Student life is the most interesting time in life. This is the time when the student is required to study well, and it will be possible to think about work and providing for the family later. But, perhaps, everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. In the modern world, more and more applicants choose part-time education, the weekend group is very popular. Everyone wants to make money. This is true. The modern rhythm of life requires costs, both physical and material. Again, do not forget about rising prices, and in general, especially in large cities such as Moscow, St. Petersburg or Yekaterinburg, life is quite expensive. As well as then students try to earn. Previously, during the holidays and breaks between studies, they went to build BAM, now I have the opportunity to work on the construction of facilities for the 2014 Olympics in Sochi. If you remember the Soviet student life, then, to enter a higher educational institution meant to rise to the next high level. Everyone knew that after graduation they would be provided with a job and, over time, a good salary. Now everything is different. If you want to find yourself after graduation Good work, then you need to start building a career at the university. The best and optimal option is to accurately determine your future specialty and start earning money in it from the end of the first year. After all, no applicant can be sure that after graduating from his university, he will be able to get a job, so smart students choose those areas that, according to statistics, will be the most popular for a certain time. Many decide to follow the proven path and choose the most popular professions, such as an economist, engineer or lawyer, and relatively new areas, such as information technology, are also particularly popular now. Times are changing, there are more innovative products. Young people are betting on this and doing it right. Just imagine how many new things will appear in different areas, therefore, professionals with the appropriate education and skills will be needed to work with all this. It is commendable that our young students are very curious and interested in everything new and unknown, so we can not worry about the lack of specialists in narrow areas. The main thing is not to forget about the development of what is already there. I'm talking about science. Now it is very important to make discoveries in any field of science. This will raise the prestige of the country and, most importantly, pride in the eyes of the relatives and friends of the one who made this discovery.
Entering a university, an applicant expects not only to gain new knowledge and, subsequently, a diploma, he hopes to spend this time fun and interesting. Student life in educational institutions is different, but definitely within the walls of almost every university there is a student theater, its own newspaper, and special attention is paid to sports. Competitions are held with other universities. Now it is especially popular to hold beauty contests, where the jury looks not only at external data, but also at the level of intelligence, the ability to speak correctly and competently. All universities have their own Student Council, which has the right to decide some actual problems and discuss development strategies for your institution. This, one might say, is a transformed parent committee that was at school, only now everything is in the hands of the students themselves. In Soviet times, many applicants entered to feel the spirit of student life, that is, independence, which people then lacked due to the huge number of prohibitions. I remember the stories of the older generation about how they gathered, took tents and guitars, went out into the countryside. Everyone sang their favorite songs together and enjoyed their time. Now there is this. Someone also loves such trips, but most still prefer to visit clubs and discos, although it all depends on the season. Student life is also the best time to get additional education, it can be like foreign language courses, or obtaining a car license, it can still be like various trainings, since after graduation the probability that there will be no time for this is quite high. Activity is one of the main attributes of a modern student.
The main thing that I want to emphasize is the responsibility that a person entering a higher educational institution bears for himself. School days are over. Everyone decides for himself. Understand that you have to go to school. Now there is a huge choice of professions. Do not be afraid to learn new directions and develop. This is important if in this crazy life you want to take your rightful place.

Student time is the most fun in life
January 25 is traditionally celebrated in our country as Tatyana's Day, also known as the Day of Russian Students.
Whatever you call it, this is a holiday of youth, a holiday of all those who keep the fire of creativity in their souls, the thirst for knowledge, search and discoveries. Student time is an unforgettable period in the life of every person. This happy time filled with hard work, friendship and love will forever remain in my memory. There are a lot of smart, enterprising young people with an active life position among the students - graduates of schools in our district. With one of them - a graduate of secondary school No. 2 with. Sharan, now a 3rd year student of the Architecture and Construction Institute of the South Ural state university(Chelyabinsk) Nail Timaev - correspondent Gulnara AKHMETSHINA spoke on the eve of this date.
- Please tell us about yourself, about the university where you study.
- Hi all! My name is Nail. I am 20 years old, I am a 3rd year student at the Architecture and Construction Institute of the South Ural University, which was founded back in 1943. It is currently ranked among the top 30 universities in the country and continues to develop to this day.
- Do you like learning? Are you glad you got here?
- At first it was not clear what I was doing here at all ... But over time I got used to it and began to delve into my future activities, show interest in subjects and my direction.
- Why did you choose this specialty? Are you going to work in your field after graduation?
- I chose this specialty because of my personal interest in construction. I like to see the work created by me and already implemented, to see the fruits of my labor, so to speak, it inspires me to new projects. After high school, of course, I'm going to work in my specialty.
- Tell us about the learning process. Is studying easy?
- Study is not easy, you have to put a lot of effort. Over time, you get used to such loads and you don’t particularly notice the burden of studying.
- Are you afraid of sessions?
- For me, the most difficult is the first session, as it shocks you to take exams in such a large number, and even more so in winter. And then everything just kind of falls apart...
- How is student life outside of studies? Do you attend any sections?
- About student life, I can say that "students live happily from session to session." It is full of all sorts of adventures… In my spare time I work at the Ural Sokol student sports club. My responsibilities include organizing sports events. It is very exciting, new acquaintances appear. Creating or managing large-scale, sometimes even all-Russian events is very cool! I also play basketball and run.
- Can you name the pros and cons of student life?
- The main advantages can be called the development of oneself as a person and a person as a whole, pleasant memories for life, cons - lack of sleep, nerves ...
- Do you celebrate Student's Day?
- Like all students, I celebrate this significant day, it is honored by both students and teachers. One of the features of this day is that the teacher writes off the debt for study, that is, if you pass the exam on that day, the teacher can soften his decision ... But this is not a fact.
- Do you miss home, school?
- I really miss my relatives: parents, grandmother. I rarely go home, only on holidays and on big holidays. Recently came to New Year. Sharan has changed - a beautiful Christmas tree, new art objects have appeared, and this is very nice.
And the main thing I want to say is that I am grateful to the most important people in my life, my parents, for getting a higher education. I am also grateful to the teachers of school No. 2 for giving me solid knowledge. Thanks to F. Kh. Sultanova, N. N. Galliamova, M. P. Yakovleva for strictness, wisdom and good instructions.
While studying at school, I attended the folk dance ensemble "Yalkyn" under the direction of Artem Vitalyevich Sidorov. He gave me a lot: he brought up willpower, stamina and, most importantly, love for art. We participated in many competitions throughout Russia. I am grateful to him. Unfortunately, here, in Chelyabinsk, I cannot do folk dances. But I realize myself in the organization of sports and cultural events.
- What would you like to wish future students?
- I would like to wish future students good luck and success. Do not sit still, be more active, and then you will remember these days all your life.
Nail, thank you for an interesting conversation, for frank answers. I congratulate you on the Student's Day! I wish you patience, diligence, success in your studies, so that knowledge comes easily and you can realize yourself in later life!

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