
Who said the phrase after us though the deluge. After us, at least the deluge (the history of famous quotes by K. Dushenko). After me, even a flood: Alexander Motyl stigmatizes New Putin's Russia

- (fr. Après nous le déluge), that is, after our death, die at least the whole world; this expression belongs to the Marquise Pompadour and was first used by her when Louis XV received the news of the unsuccessful battle of ... Wikipedia

Adverb, number of synonyms: 6 anyway (105) as long as we feel good now (1) ... Synonym dictionary

After us at least a flood- wing. sl. This phrase is attributed to the French king Louis XV, but memoirists claim that it belongs to the favorite of this king, the Marquise of Pompadour (1721-1764). She said it in 1757 to console the king, dejected by defeat ... ... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

After us, even a flood (fr. Après nous le déluge “after us a flood”), that is, after our death, even the whole world perish; this expression belongs to the Marquise Pompadour and was first used by her when Louis XV received a deeply impressed him ... Wikipedia

Neither cold nor hot, at least henna, everything is grass, spitting from a tall tree, give a damn about it, neither warm nor cold, sneeze, to a light bulb, never mind, indifferent, to a lantern, don't give a damn, up to the ninth floor, like water off a duck's back Dictionary of Russian synonyms. though… … Synonym dictionary

FLOOD, husband. 1. According to the biblical legend: a flood that flooded the whole earth as a punishment for the sins of people. World p. After us, at least p.! (if only we were well; neod.). 2. Flooding, spilling water (colloquial). The river flooded the banks of the real settlement. What is this ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

A; m. 1. In the Bible: a worldwide flood, in which all mankind perished because of their sins. World p. After the flood. Before the flood (also: joking; in time immemorial). After us, at least p.! (colloquial; if only we were well now). 2. Unfold… … encyclopedic Dictionary

flood- A; m. 1) In the Bible: a worldwide flood, in which all mankind perished because of their sins. Global flood. After the flood. Before the flood (also: jokingly; in time immemorial) After us, at least a sweat / n! (colloquial; if only we were well now) 2) ... ... Dictionary of many expressions

Wed She only loves herself in the world, And at least the grass does not grow there, And in it, like three times three four, Agree with the feelings of the word. Book. P.A. Vyazemsky. Excuse Turgenev. Wed Only I would be okay, And there the whole world burn with fire. Krylov. Frog and Jupiter. Wed… Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary


  • Caligula, or At least the Flood After Us, Josef Toman. Before you is an interesting fiction novel by Josef Toman "Caligula, or After us at least a flood". This novel is dedicated to the life and political deeds of the Roman Emperor Caligula, a figure far away...
  • Caligula, or even a flood after us, Josef Toman. The novel by the classic of Czech literature, Josef Toman, is dedicated to a well-known period from ancient history: the Roman emperor Caligula (12-24 AD), whose name has become synonymous with cruelty and villainy, ...

"After us, at least a flood"
or 5 examples of future predictions by non-saints and non-prophets.

The question of predicting the future has always worried people. Here we will talk about several examples of predicting the future, made by a variety of people in different situations. I will not analyze extensively, and will only give examples that seem obvious to me.

1. We open the book "Famous Aphorisms", we read:

"Apres nous le deluge" - After me (us) - even a flood!

Tradition attributes these words to the French king Louis XV, who once said that until his death he hopes to preserve the monarchy in France, and “after me, even a flood!”, then his close associates, the Marquise Pompadour or Viscountess Dubarry.

It does not matter which of them uttered the cynical words: in any case, they perfectly convey the extreme selfishness of the despotic rulers of France. It is not for nothing that we now use them when we want to express our indignation at a short-sighted, selfish, and inconsiderate policy.

In this translation, at least the fact that the word “me” is here is good. Indeed, when the king says "we", he means himself. Indeed, it is correctly indicated here in which cases this aphorism is now used.

However, let's remember that Louis XV was the last French Bourbon king to be born and die a king. Under him, the suffering of the people reached a high degree, but Louis did not pay attention to this: he indulged in pleasures in the Deer Park. When they pointed out to him the danger posed by an extremely oppressed people, he replied: "The monarchy will last as long as we are alive." After his death, the monarchy was swept away by the masses. The French Revolution, like a storm, swept away the royal power, executed Louis 16. Michel Nostradamus, who foresaw this, painted the royal crown with the letter “B” (Bourbon), hanging on a thread over the raging sea (by the way, Nostradamus himself lived under Valois). Thus, comparing the revolution with the water element.

So what did Louis 15, so little appreciated today, say? He said, "The monarchy will last as long as we live." And he said the famous (we will translate exactly): "After me - the flood." The prophetic content of these words is quite obvious. The word "flood" also has a biblical connotation - dividing life into before and after the flood. The Flood is an event that completely destroys life and the order of things. This is exactly what happened in France.

2. Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov (Shchedrin) is not the favorite writer of most people. It strikes too accurately and evilly at human nature, which does not change from socialism or capitalism. In the century following Shchedrin, a revolution took place in Russia, Comrade Stalin came to power. Ascetic, in a soldier's greatcoat, with a dry hand, smoking a pipe and cigarettes, he built barracks socialism. This socialism after his death even tried to divert rivers.

Let's try to imagine that what follows is written about socialism in Russia and Comrade Stalin (emphasis mine - S.A.):“... lips are thin, pale, pubescent with trimmed stubble mustaches ... He is dressed in a military-style frock coat, fastened with all buttons ... all around is a landscape depicting a desert in the middle of which stands a prison; above, instead of the sky, hung a gray soldier's greatcoat... No questions are visible on his face; on the contrary, in all its features there appears some sort of soldierly imperturbable certainty that all questions have long been resolved... The very way of life of Grim-Grumbling was such that it further aggravated the horror induced by his appearance. He slept on the bare ground, and only in severe frosts allowed himself to hide in the fire hayloft; instead of a pillow, he put a stone under his head; he got up at dawn, put on his uniform, and immediately beat the drum; he smoked shag so stinking that even the police soldiers blushed when the smell of it reached their sense of smell ... He also had a family; but as long as he ruled the city, none of the townsfolk saw either his wife or his children. There was a rumor that they were languishing somewhere in the basement of the mayor's house ... Having drawn a straight line, he planned to squeeze the entire visible and invisible world into it, and, moreover, in such an indispensable calculation that it would be impossible to turn either back or forward, neither to the right nor to the left. Did he intend to become a benefactor of mankind? It is difficult to answer this question in the affirmative. Rather, however, one might think that in his head there were no assumptions about anything at all. ... The virtuosity of straightforwardness, like a willow stake, settled in his mournful head and let out a whole impenetrable network of roots and ramifications there. It was some kind of mysterious forest, full of magical dreams. Mysterious shadows walked in single file one after another, buttoned up, cut off, with a uniform step, in uniform clothes, they all walked, they all walked ... They were all equipped with the same physiognomies, all were equally silent and all disappeared in the same way. Where? It seemed that behind this dreamy-fantastic world there was an even more fantastic gap, which resolved all difficulties by the fact that everything disappeared in it - everything without a trace. When the fantastic gap absorbed a sufficient number of fantastic shadows, Grim-Grumbling, so to speak, turned over onto another box and began another similar dream again. Again the shadows were walking in single file, one after another, everyone was walking, everyone was walking... These holidays differ from weekdays only in the strengthened exercise in marching. Such was the external construction of this delirium. Then it was necessary to regulate the internal situation of the living beings captured in it. In this respect, the fantasy of Grim-Grumbling reached the level of truly amazing determination. Every house is nothing but a settled unit, which has its own commander and its own spy (he especially insisted on the spy) and belongs to the ten, which bears the name of a platoon. The platoon, in turn, has a commander and a spy; five platoons make up a company, five companies make up a regiment. There are four regiments of all, which form, firstly, two brigades and, secondly, a division; each of these subdivisions has a commander and a spy. Then follows the city itself, which is renamed from Glupov into "the city of Nepreklonsk, eternally worthy of the memory of Grand Duke Svyatoslav Igorevich." Over the city reigns the mayor, surrounded by a cloud, or, in other words, the land and sea forces of the city of Nepreklonsk, the chief commandant, who enters into disputes with everyone and makes everyone feel his power. Beside him... a spy!! At night, the spirit of Grim-Grumbling hovers over Nepreklonsky and vigilantly guards the philistine dream... No god, no idols - nothing ... Everyone was there, every single one; the adults and the strong cut and broke; the juveniles and the weak scooped up the rubbish and took it to the river. From dawn to dawn, people indefatigably pursued the task of destroying their own dwellings, and at night they took refuge in the barracks arranged in the pasture, where philistine property was brought. They themselves did not understand what they were doing, and did not even ask each other if this was really happening. They were aware of only one thing: that the end had come and that they were being followed everywhere, everywhere by the incomprehensible gaze of a gloomy idiot. ... Sadtilov's turn gave liberalism a new direction, which can be called centrifugal-centripetal-inscrutable-deceitful. But it was still liberalism, and therefore it could not have been successful either, because the moment had already come when liberalism was not required at all. It was not required at all, not in any form, not in any form, not even in the form of absurdity, not even in the form of admiration for the authorities. Admiration for the boss! What does admiration for superiors mean? This means such admiration for them, which at the same time allows for the possibility of non-admiration for them! And from here to the revolution - one step! With the assumption of the office of the mayor, Ugryum-Burcheevaliliberalism in Foolovo ceased altogether, and therefore the martyrology was not resumed. ... "Being, beyond measure, burdened with bodily exercises," says the chronicler, "the Foolovites, exhausted, thought of nothing more than straightening their bodies, bent by work." This went on all the time while Ugryum-Grumbling was destroying the old city and fighting the river. ... Exhausted, scolded and destroyed, the Foolovites, after a long break, breathed freely for the first time. They looked at each other and were suddenly ashamed. They did not understand what exactly happened around them, but they felt that the air was filled with foul language and that it was impossible to breathe further in this air. Did they have a history, were there moments in this history when they had the opportunity to show their independence? They didn't remember anything. They only remembered that they had the Urus-Kugush-Kildibaevs, the Negodyaevs, the Wartkins, and, to top the shame, this terrible, this inglorious scoundrel! And all this jammed, gnawed, tore with teeth - in the name of what? Chest rushed with blood, breath occupied, faces convulsively contorted with anger at the memory of the inglorious idiot who, with a stopper in his hands, came from nowhere and with inscrutable impudence pronounced a death sentence on the past, present and future ... And meanwhile he lay motionless on the sunniest sun and snored heavily . Now he was in full view; anyone could freely examine him and be convinced that he was a genuine idiot - and nothing more. When he destroyed, struggled with the elements, betrayed the sword, it could still seem that something huge was personified in him, some kind of all-conquering force, which, regardless of its content, can amaze the imagination; now, when he lay defeated and exhausted, when his shameless gaze did not weigh on anyone, it became clear that this “enormous”, this “all-conquering” was nothing but idiocy that had not found boundaries for itself. ... "He" will give some happiness! "He" will say to them: I ruined you and stunned you, and now I will let you be happy! And they will listen to this speech in cold blood! they will take advantage of his permission and be happy! A shame!!!"

We add that with the accession of this strange barracks system in Glupov, the mayor decides to turn the river. What distinguishes real socialism. And, like Ugryum-Burcheev, he was also unsuccessful. The river could not be turned.

Here is the dialogue from the movie:

- Mila Rutkevich will become a pediatrician. People from all over the Galaxy will come to her... Katya Mikhailova will win the Wimbledon tournament.

- Clearly, - said Katya Mikhailova. - You've got it all figured out.

- Why?

- Yes, because it is impossible for everyone to become famous and great. That doesn't happen. We are ordinary.

- And in the future there will be no ordinary ones, - says Alice. - If you don't believe me, ask Kolya. It's even better if you come to us.

- But how? If they don't let you? Fima asks.

- Under its own power, - says Sadovsky. - Year after year. And you'll get there.

19 years after the premiere of the film, on July 3, 2004, Maria Sharapova won the Wimbledon tournament. She was born two years later from the premiere of the film, when the film was in full swing and repeated, and won the hearts of the audience. The Russians have never won the Wimbledon tournament before. It was something like a sweet dream that can never come true. And so the film points out: wait, she will grow up and win.

4. If you have not read the novel by Vladimir Voinovich "Moscow 2042", then you should definitely read it. The novel, written in the late 80s, describes the future of Russia. In particular, a young KGB officer who worked in Germany in the 1980s becomes the next president of Russia. He is young, progressive, and wants to change a lot. When he comes to power, he creates a new party. This party is an amalgamation of the CPSU and the KGB and is called the CPGB - the communist party of state security. This party also includes the Orthodox Church, which has changed its ideals. Everyone praises the young reformer. He is called Genialissimus and all world classics are attributed to his authorship. Then he is found to be too radical, and, so as not to interfere too much, they launch him into space, and on earth, on his behalf, the Editorial Commission remains to manage.

It all ends with the return of Solzhenitsyn on a white horse and the restoration of the monarchy and traditional Orthodoxy.

- Listen, I said. - Is it true that they say about you that you are a KGB major?

“Yeah, sort of,” he agreed happily. - More precisely, Major General. But what about you? Do you really think I met with you to knock on you? No, brother, I play other games and bet big.

He traveled all over the country and demanded an increase in oil production, steel smelting, cotton yields, studied the problems of laying hens and watched the lambing of sheep. And since the country is large, you can’t see everything for everything, he decided to use advanced technology and began to make regular inspection flights on a spacecraft. And from there he followed the movement of troops, quarrying, deforestation, the construction of individual facilities and open-pit coal mining. He delved into everything. Sometimes he even notices that the workers somewhere are smoking for too long, and directly from space sends an order from the boss of these workers to remove them from work, demote them or put them on trial. Or he sees that some car has exceeded the speed limit or violated the rules of overtaking, he writes down the number and reports it to the traffic police.

- And he was engaged in such trifles? I asked Iskra.

- Nu why same trifles? she objected displeasedly. He took care of everything. Do not forget that communism was built in our country according to his idea and under his leadership. And within only one year after the August Revolution. These space inspections proved to be so effective that in the end it was decided to leave Genialissimo in space forever and divide power into heavenly and earthly. Genialissimo from above carries out the general leadership, and earthly affairs are controlled by the Supreme Pentagon and the Editorial Commission.

And the most angry of them was his closest friend, Vice Chairman of the Supreme Pentagon and Chairman of the Drafting Committee.

- Horizon Timofeevich? I asked.

- It is he, - nodded Edik. - Of course, he could not overthrow Genialissimo, because he had already become a symbol, an object of universal worship, a sacred cow, but a more cunning solution was found. Once, when Genialissimo went into space with another inspection, they decided not to return him from there. Let him fly there, we will pray for him, erect monuments to him, award him orders, send him all sorts of greetings and reports, but here, on Earth, we will dispose of it in our own way.

Under the name of the newspaper it was written that it was an organ of the Communist Party of State Security. So this is what the abbreviation I saw on one of the slogans meant - CPGB!

As I write this, in August 2007, about two weeks ago, the news outlets announced that Russian President Vladimir Putin, at the end of his second term as president, was considering flying into space as a space tourist. The Unity party is becoming more and more like the CPSU, and the FSB, the successor to the KGB, is increasingly involved in everything from transport problems to power outages.

5. Vasily Zvyagintsev's novel "The Right to Death" contains the following text:

- Better answer, frankness for frankness, why was it necessary to establish a cryptocracy in Russia?

Here the shock was stronger. However, GM's external reactions remained extremely restrained as before. Strong man.

- As you said?

- Cryptocracy. Secret power. Irina, come here, please... Introduce Georgy Mikhailovich to your research.

Irina appeared, already dressed in a business suit, resembling a university assistant professor, with a stack of computer printouts in her hands.

And within fifteen minutes she gave all the necessary arguments in favor of our hypothesis.

- ... From which we concluded: between 2020 and 2030, the power in Russia completely changed its form and essence. In reality, a well-hidden group or caste, like the notorious "wise men of Zion", rules. No, no, this is just a comparison, for clarity. Of course, we do not represent the true mechanism of its functioning, but there are too many indirect signs. Moreover, what should be noted is that this government is surprisingly effective and at the same time quite humane. For thirty years it has not degenerated into autocracy or dictatorship. It is, and it seems to be gone. Both the economy and civil liberties are flourishing. It is not clear how this is possible ... History knows something similar, but such experiments always ended in the same way. Any secret rulers sooner or later wanted to become apparent, the consequences, as a rule, were sad. Or for them, or for subjects ..

From the novel Game Time:


The colonel heard something about the club back in Africa. The Russians served decently in the corps, and I had to meet with the employees of the military missions of Russia in relatively civilized countries.

Sooner or later, the conversations, warmed up by local wines or domestic vodka, also touched on this. Like, there is such a super-elite club, which is much more difficult to get into, but more useful for a career than marrying the daughter of the Minister of War.

Whom and how they are accepted there is a mystery shrouded in darkness. However, information somehow seeps through, like water through the walls of karst caves. At the same time, turning into bizarre fantasies of nature, like stalactites and stalagmites.

It was said that sometimes captains also get there, but honored generals shamefully fail at the ballot. That club members can live better on full board than members of the government in their dachas. That careers are drawn up at the card table and questions of war and peace are decided.

He was handed a much more solid than the candidate, the badge of "full-fledged Vityaz" and finally admitted to really secret information. Including up to the full lists of "brothers".

He scanned the longest columns of surnames (not alphabetical, but chronological) on the screen, with the briefest biographical information, and immediately understood everything.

The truth came as a bit of a shock even to him. The "Club" had existed for more than thirty years, and during this time it had not even turned into a "shadow government," which the colonel had guessed from certain signs, but into a completely independent, all-embracing system of power in Russia.

I don't think that Vladimir Putin, Sergey Ivanov, Sergey Medvedev and others make up some kind of organization, or did it before (although who can know for sure except themselves?). However, the fact is that in today's Russia, power has "changed its form and essence." That decisions are made not by those bodies that are directly intended for this, but behind their backs, and they themselves only “stamp” the already proposed decisions.

In this cycle of novels, just like with Voinovich, the matter ends with the restoration of autocracy.

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After us, even a flood (the history of the famous quotes by K. Dushenko)

Issue 2 of the magazine "Reading Together" (September) published an article by Konstantin Dushenko "After us, even a flood." It continues the permanent section of the magazine "History of famous quotes."

History of famous quotes

After us at least a flood

Nov 5 In 1757, at Rosbach (Saxony), one of the largest battles of the Seven Years' War took place. The Prussian army, led by Frederick the Great, utterly defeated the much larger French army led by Marshal de Soubise. Just at this time, the artist Georges Latour painted - in the presence of the king - a portrait of Louis XV's mistress Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, Marquise de Pompadour. The news of the defeat was extremely depressing to the monarch. The marquise hurried to console him: “Don't be upset, otherwise you will get sick; after us, at least a flood! Latour's story did not appear in print until 1874, but the same version was recounted in the Memoirs of Madame Duosset, the maid of the Marquise de Pompadour, published in 1824.

It was no coincidence that the Marquise started talking about the flood - at that time everyone was talking about it. In 1758, the comet of 1682 was expected to return; Halley's comet, and since ancient times the comet has been considered a harbinger of misfortune and catastrophes. The Age of Enlightenment, instead of dispelling these fears, gave them a scientific basis. The famous mathematician Pierre de Maupertuis, in his Letter on Halley's Comet, predicted that its coming would bring about the end of the world, or at least a global flood. Aug 18 In 1758, the philosopher-educator Gabriel Bonnot de Mably, in his 6th “Letter on the Rights and Duties of a Citizen,” spoke about members of the Parisian parliament (then the parliament was the highest judicial authority and registered laws): “The future worries them little: after them [there will come ] flood". Therefore, the phrase about the flood had already become a common catchphrase. If the Marquise de Pompadour said it, she was hardly the first.

Meanwhile, already among the ancient Greeks there was a saying that was very close in meaning. This is a line from the epigram of Strato, a poet of the 2nd c. AD: “Drink and love! After death, let Deucalion wash my bones!” Deucalion in Greek mythology was assigned the role of the biblical Noah: when Zeus, angry with people, sent a worldwide flood to the earth, Deucalion, on the advice of Prometheus, built a large box ("ark"). The nine-day flood destroyed all mankind, but Deucalion and his wife escaped and created new people from stones.

However, in the future, the Greeks and Romans did not expect a global flood, but a global fire. In the course was the saying "When I die, let the earth burn with fire!" - a verse from the lost tragedy of Euripides. According to legend, he was quoted by the Roman emperor Tiberius. And another emperor, Nero, when this verse was uttered in his presence, seemed to exclaim: “No! As long as I live! So Suetonius tells in his Life of the Twelve Caesars, and then proceeds to the story of the great fire of Rome in 64 AD, directly calling Nero an arsonist. In Suetonius, Nero looks at the fire of the great city from a high tower and in theatrical attire, with a cithara in his hands, sings the Song of Troy, burned by the Greeks. It's too pretty to be true; historians have long ceased to believe in the legend of Nero the arsonist. It is only known for certain that, while rebuilding Rome, Nero took care of the fire safety of the city.

The slogan "After me, chaos" was attributed to Charles de Gaulle on the eve of the 1965 French presidential election. A week before the second round of voting, de Gaulle explained: “I didn't say 'I' and I didn't say 'chaos'. I just said and I repeat: if on December 19 the French people decide to remove de Gaulle, it will be a huge misfortune for the country. The people voted for de Gaulle, and a huge misfortune was averted.

But to avoid the flood is hardly possible. The climate is warming, the level of the World Ocean is slowly but surely rising; continents are moving, colliding and crushing ... But all this will certainly be after us.

Konstantin Dushenko

... the phrase lives and wins

“After us, at least a flood,” according to some sources, the French king Louis XV said, according to others, his mistress and favorite, the Marquise de Pompadour, but in fact, no one. The phrase “After us, even a flood” is a typical example of the mythological nature of history. Here's how things unfolded. On November 5, 1757, the French army was defeated at the Battle of Rosbach, one of the most important battles. Naturally, the news of this Louis XV was not happy. Trying to somehow console the king, Madame Pompadour said: “Don’t be so upset, there will still be a flood after us.” This was an allusion to the rumors that were then circulating in Paris about a comet approaching the earth, a meeting with which could cause all sorts of troubles and cataclysms, in particular, a flood. So initially there was no particular cynicism in the words of Madame Pompadour. The expression was made so by descendants or contemporaries - "well-wishers".

In fairness, it should be noted that Louis, his passion, close associates and, in general, the entire French beau monde of that century owed their vicious fame to themselves. The luxury, licentiousness and immorality of their life, the violation of unwritten moral laws were too striking in comparison with the poverty and bleak existence of the people. So the French had every reason to believe in what the Marquise allegedly said. It is no coincidence that after 32 years the “bloody flood” of the Great French Revolution really came.

King Louis XV (1710-1774)

He didn't speak...

“King Louis was a handsome, very strong and very intelligent imposing man. In a sense, a poseur, but he loved humanity and even a few people close to him. By nature, he was a kind person, but somewhat lazy in soul. He hated to personally unravel the mysteries that life kept throwing at him. He always believed that it was up to others to overcome difficulties. His job is to command and pose. He was disheartened by the need to constantly, every day, seek answers to questions that the reality around him generously threw up. It seems that yesterday everything was decided, scheduled, scheduled - and on you! Some kind of absurd accident, and everything goes down the drain. Again you have to start over. These endless chores drove him crazy.”(M. Ishkov "Saint-Germain")

The phrase “After us, even a flood” is a manifestation of the highest degree of selfishness: live, enjoy today; don't think about anyone, think about anything, only about yourself, remember - there is no future without you

Marquise de Pompadour (1721-1764)

The Marquise de Pompadour, who for many years actually ruled France, “She was baptized by Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, in marriage she became Le Normand d'Etiol, well, and for success in a love affair she received the title of Marquise de Pompadour. This philistine turned out to be the best student of the encyclopedists, who argued that since the main distinguishing feature of the mind is the ability to develop "judgments", the path to success can only be guaranteed by the correct and regular application of the mind. The marquise was not distinguished by good health, she had weak lungs, but bodily ailment had almost no effect on her determination and self-control. The tactics of Madame de Pompadour was to "master all the thoughts of the king and get ahead of him in the next hobby for at least a few days and, if possible, try to console him with new entertainments." Jeanne Antoinette, like no one else, knew how to predict the mood of the king in advance. His desire to live free from the burdensome conventions and duties of the court, simple - even vicious! - life, the confusion he felt when a carefully thought-out plan began to crumble due to unexpected circumstances that could not be foreseen in any way - gave the right direction to her system aimed at freeing the king from annoying worries. At the same time, Louis was constantly inspired by the idea that it was he who was the supreme overlord. His word is law! In general, the way it really was, nevertheless, the king was grateful to the “faithful friend” for his help in public affairs”(Ibid.)

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