
How to find your calling at work. Life passes, but calling is not found. What to do? Imagine a perfect world

It is impossible to meet a person who has never tried to find his calling. This is not surprising, since success in life depends on the choice of a suitable type of activity. Being a real specialist, you can earn good money, look to the future with confidence, and make plans for the future. Realize and be satisfied with yourself. This is the social role of man as an element of our society. Take your place, be as efficient as possible. Consider simple ways to find your calling.

1. Try yourself in various activities.

Practice is the best teacher and examiner. It’s not enough to be interested in something, you also need to have the ability to do it. How to find your calling in life without even trying yourself in it? The sooner a person realizes that this or that job suits him, the better. More time will be for a new search or self-improvement. Or, on the contrary, the profession is suitable and it will be possible to start mastering it earlier, thereby getting more chances to become a real specialist. Don't be afraid to try. Sooner or later, everyone will find an occupation that he likes.

2. Dive into introspection.

Many people find correct solution temporary solitude and dialogue with oneself helps. After all, the inner voice rarely deceives. They just don't always listen. The body's cues cannot be ignored. It is worth considering what causes “butterflies in the stomach”, and what causes “goosebumps”.

If you follow your desires to a reasonable extent, you can get answers to various questions. And “how to find your calling” is no exception. Realizing yourself makes life a lot easier. If you follow the whims of fashion, other people's instructions, then you can spend your whole life being someone else.

3. Be proactive.

Take responsibility for yourself and your life. Go with the flow, go where your heart calls. Do not be passive, do not follow stereotypes and patterns. Listen to yourself, and not the obsessive opinion of "well-wishers." This does not mean a complete disregard for other people. In no case! The main thing to remember is that everyone is responsible for his own life.

That is why it is important to find your calling yourself. This is probably the second major event in a person's life, after his birth. After all, having directed their talents in the right direction, people are born again - as an integral component of society.

4. Pass career guidance tests.

The Internet and various specialized publications are full of them. It is not worth it to mindlessly follow their verdict. But rethinking the results can be very helpful. To facilitate interpretation, here is a basic classification of skills:

  • Verbal-linguistic - characteristic of copywriters, journalists, teachers, politicians, public figures;
  • Logico-mathematical - inherent in programmers, engineers, analysts;
  • Visual-spatial - the talents of architects, sculptors and artists;
  • Musical and rhythmic - skills of DJs, musicians, composers;
  • Bodily-kinesthetic - determine artists, dancers, athletes;
  • Intrapersonal - characteristic of philosophers, psychologists, gurus;
  • Interpersonal-communicative - businessmen, representatives of sales and services;
  • Naturalistic - farmers, biologists, travelers.

And even if it is difficult for someone to find their calling, choosing one profession, you can at least understand the possible field of activity.

5. Contact with representatives of interesting professions.

The next good way to find your calling is regular communication with specialists. This can be visiting specialized exhibitions, conferences, chatting and forums, excursions to production facilities and many other options. The most important thing is to feel like one of them among them. If this feeling does not appear, then, most likely, you should look further. It is advisable to read about professions in books, watch thematic films, programs.

6. Think about the question of what benefit you can bring to society.

All of us biosocial creatures. This means that you need to look not only for personal gain, but also to be useful to others. The more useful someone is, the more authority he enjoys. Each specialty has some social function. And not even at work, but in everyday life, they turn to us with requests. If you analyze what is most often asked, then you can even find your calling.

7. Set aside money priorities.

The pursuit of profit clouds the mind. Money is definitely needed. But, this is not a reason to become their slave. We must soberly assess the situation. Perhaps the hobby will bring even more profit than any highly paid job. After all, doing something you don't like causes depression. It is followed by psychosomatic disorders, which are sometimes more expensive to treat than to prevent.

When a person is happy doing something, this is the best prevention of illness and old age. So, even for mercantile reasons, finding your calling is much more profitable.

8. Overcome the main "enemies" of self-development.

Our entire environment, and sometimes ourselves, can become an obstacle to our own self-realization. This is due to the many stereotypes that surround us. Most people tend to go with the flow. But, you have to fight for your dream. Common barriers that keep you from finding your calling include:

  • Self-doubt, complexes and fears;
  • Laziness and passivity;
  • Lack of knowledge necessary for choosing;
  • The desire to compare yourself with others, and not in your favor;
  • Public stamps, templates;
  • The desire to be fashionable, not real;
  • The pursuit of profit and money.

These factors often act in groups, reinforcing each other's influence. Defeating them is not easy, but possible. It is in the fight against these obstacles that the formation of a personality, a specialist, a person with a capital letter takes place.

You should approach the solution of the voiced issue as responsibly as possible. The listed methods of how to find your calling can be effective even individually, but it is better to apply them in combination. Then, the results will be more objective and will provide an opportunity to better understand yourself, your skills.

There are many people on the planet who suffer from doing nothing (passivity and laziness) in search of their calling or purpose in life. An inner conviction, essentially a belief that a person is “destined” for something, for something so ... special, not like everyone else ..., to something “called” - makes people constantly think about what I I want and try to understand myself, my inner "I".

Question:“How to find your vocation in life” (or purpose) does not go out of your head for many: both senior schoolchildren who still do not understand themselves, and students who feel that they have chosen the wrong path in life (profession), and unrealized “mature » personalities with infantilism in reasoning ...

How to find out your destiny, how to still find your calling in life - about everything about this especially for those who want to understand themselves and choose their life path correctly, on the website of psychological assistance http://site(about everything in order, step by step ...)

What is the vocation and purpose of a person in life

Calling and destiny are similar concepts, but still somewhat different - the first is more realistic: what can be realized, studied and explored, the second is mystical, as if intended (destined) by the Higher powers, God, the Universe ... fate ... - this can be only believe.

However, at the everyday level, both vocation and purpose are essentially identical. The first is from the verb "call", i.e. when someone calls you to something, "showing" the path of life. For example, God called the ancient Jewish priest Saul (Saul), who, it would seem, already had a destiny to be a priest (he was an ardent persecutor of Christianity), to become the Apostle Paul, a preacher of faith in Christ. (fig. above).

If you believe in the mystical, for example, that God is omnipotent and omnipresent, then it means that the high priest Saul had a hidden, secret destiny from Above to become an apostle, and even with a different name - Paul ?! (most of the messages to Christians in the New Testament are from the apostle Paul, although he was not one of the 12 disciples of Christ, who, by the way, were also called in the service of Christ).

In one of his epistles, the Apostle Paul says: “Each one, remain in that rank in which called up. Whether you are called a slave, do not be embarrassed; but if you can become free, then use the best.”

If you “return from Heaven to earth” in order to find your calling or life purpose, then neither man nor God “calls” us to some kind of choice in life, but our soul (psyche). In transactional analysis (psychoanalysis), this is called a life scenario - settings programmed in the subconscious (learned patterns of thinking, feeling and behavior), in the process of education and primary socialization (parental programming), according to which a person unconsciously builds his life and destiny (which, by the way, can be changed ... if possible and desired ...)
Quote above: "... but if you can become free, then use the best"

How to take advantage of the best and find your purpose (calling) in life

Let's take a closer look at how a person can find his purpose in life, unless, of course, you really want to find your calling and become happy.

Believing in something or someone can be both good and bad. Every person believes in something, first of all, he completely and unconditionally trusts his inner convictions, and it doesn’t matter what kind they are - religious, mystical or more or less realistic ...

These beliefs form the worldview and stereotyped thinking of a person, and the latter - the feeling and behavior in certain life situations.

All these scenario beliefs and beliefs in them “live” in our soul (psyche), it is from them that the call comes ... they call us to be this or that person in life. It is on the basis of the life script programmed in childhood that we have one or another life purpose - and no mysticism.

When, for example, a person lived in a certain family (where programming takes place), say, in a rich or poor family, then he is automatically programmed to be rich or poor. If a person is born and raised in a royal family, then he is programmed to be a king - this is his destiny. However, his calling may be different. For example, he can rule the country as a king by destiny, but by vocation he can be a good military leader, commander, politician, reformer or business executive ... Look, for example, the history of Russian monarchs - they were all tsars (queen) by destiny, but the vocation everyone was different.

If a person grew up in a family of workers or peasants, then the destiny should be to follow the family tradition - to become a good hard worker or collective farmer. So it would be if we lived a couple of centuries ago. Because then no other information came to mind, except for family information - in the scenario program, other attitudes and beliefs that differed from family ones were not recorded (people, sometimes they didn’t study at school, didn’t read books, didn’t watch movies and TV .., communicated only with the same hard workers and collective farmers).

Therefore, then the question did not arise: “How to find your calling or purpose in life”, and so everything was clear ... no one suffered from idleness, soul-searching and empty thoughts - you had to work to live ... and that’s all ...

Where, for example, do dynasties come from? After all, there are dynasties of actors, circus performers, teachers, and even workers ... Imagine that a child is constantly with his parents, artists: at home, in the theater, and at receptions, and on tour ... The only (or main) information that enters his head (programming) is the life of artists, well, how will he have a calling or destiny to be, say, a miner or a sailor ... especially if there are no mines or sea where he lives.

If, nevertheless, he becomes a sailor, considering this his vocation, he will inspire (give an orientation) to this choice, again, information from the psyche (soul), brought there, for example, from books, films about the sea, or interesting sea stories and stories.

How to understand yourself and find out your life purpose and calling

Usually those people who cannot understand themselves in any way and find out their life purpose and calling suffer either from an excess of thoughts, fantasies, dreams and desires, or from spiritual emptiness.

Their life program is basically predetermined, of course - they are, according to the script, losers or trivials - they “by designation” (“by vocation”) “do not shine” to be a winner (to achieve serious success in life).

However, if they still really want to understand themselves, their inner “I”, the secrets of their soul, then they will be able to freely find themselves in life, find out their purpose and calling.

Look at the conditional diagram(from the structural analysis of the personality), what the soul, the personality of a person consists of. Then you will be able to better understand, know yourself: your true desires, motives, thinking, emotions and behavior, you will be able to find out your calling and purpose.

If you do not have an inclination, a constant inner attraction and abilities for any business, then there is no vocation yet.

What you see on the "soul diagram" (fig. above): three large circles - "P" (Parental "I"), "B" (Adult "I") and "D" (Childish Self) - these are internal subpersonalities, on a simple, modern language you can say - folders, files with some information laid down from childhood. ()

The upper "parental" circle ("R-2") contains all the information (introjected) copied by you from early childhood from your real parents or other important persons, including characters from films, books, etc. In fact, these are your parents with their attitudes and beliefs (stereotypes) stored in your head.

If you have too many thoughts, orders, prohibitions and prescriptions, as well as beliefs and beliefs that form stereotyped thinking, this is from this file (P-2), and not your own ...

Also, there are three "subfolders" in the "file" D-2 (this is the Childish Ego State, Childish Self) - in fact - this is you, only in childhood. Here is stored the main scenario program of life. For example, from the “folder” P-1 (the Parent in the Child is also an internal enemy), all the negativity comes out, which confuses you about your calling and your destiny, because. the destination (who one should be) comes from the “family, parent file P-2”, and the vocation (who I want to be) comes from the “subfolder” D-1 (natural Child).

If you have a lot of obsessive, confused, provocative, adventurous, often erroneous thoughts that prevent you from making a true decision and a lot of negative beliefs and beliefs that lead you to complexes, low self-esteem, fears and phobias, neuroses, etc. - this is from the "internal enemy R-1"

Intrapersonal conflict about who to be or who I am arises from a disagreement between P-2 and D-2. In your head, you can be aware of many different thoughts about the same subject, phenomenon - in fact, this is an internal dialogue between subpersonalities.

For example, your "upper R-2 parent" tells you in your head that you need to become a doctor (should), and "Natural Child" - I want to become a lawyer. disagreement.
At the same time, R-1's internal enemy, pretending to be an "upper parent," tells you that the best thing to do is to be an economist.

There is only one way to live a happy life - to find a job you love.
Steve Jobs

Every person has a life experience that you can't throw away. Each of us is like a nesting doll. Every year of life is like a layer. And man, grows, grows. As a child, he loves one thing, then another, his friends advised him the third, then his mother suggested the fourth.

I watched a movie of some kind - the fifth. In childhood, everyone is under the power of accidental authorities. For example, I was in love with Alice from the movie "Guest from the Future". He even wrote letters to her from a pioneer camp. And I'm glad she didn't answer me. Because I don’t even know what I would do with her now.

A person grows, he wants many different things. If all childhood dreams came true, then all men would be astronauts, and women would be princesses. I also wanted different things, but did not know how exactly to realize myself in life. And when a person does not know what to do, then he does what most people do. Everyone is chasing money, fame. I searched for myself for a long time, until I returned back to myself. I thought that I need to do what I really love. I really love to exercise. I have been an athlete since childhood, since the age of 5. I love to train very much. It gives me a thrill to do the exercises and see what results I get. But I didn’t know how to make money with sports. After a long break to return to the sport, it seemed impossible to me. In addition, I became an orthodox religious person. And the routine in my life is established by the priority of religion. And sport and religion are completely different topics.

If everything in the world is meaningless, what prevents you from inventing some meaning?
Alice in Wonderland.

I have always liked helping people. I get high when people benefit from me. I get joy, they thank me. I found two things that I have loved all my life: training and helping people. Next, I started to train myself first. I had many very different problems. I had a phobia of public speaking and I started learning from great self-development coaches. From my experience in sports, I knew that it was important for a person to have a great coach. I started learning from good coaches and immediately helping good people. Who did not have the opportunity to learn from these coaches. I explained for free what I learned myself. And so I realized - this is my calling. I am a self-development coach. That's how I became a coach. .

Already at a fairly mature age, after 30 years, I was able to completely change myself and learn dozens of new skills. I created the "3-P Overlearning System" and the "Three Lever" skill building system. In the chapter on learning, I will tell you how easy it is to learn new knowledge and skills. True, I have never been a pregnant and lactating mother, but I think that a 30-year-old athlete is not much smarter than a nursing mother. Therefore, my experience and technique will definitely suit you.

How long does it take to find a destination?

You ask, who would I be if I had not become a popular performer? I believe that an unpopular performer!
Christina Aguilera

As soon as I stumbled upon the first development book and it did me good, I knew this was it.

After the first training I went through, I knew right away that I wanted to be a coach. I was then already 33 years old. The first books that helped me develop: Tony Buzan, Stephen Covey. I get it, these are people. They really change the lives of others. And I immediately knew that I wanted to do this. And thanks to a professional, athletic approach, I immediately decided that I wanted to be the best in the world in teaching. After all, I was 3rd in sports at the World Championship among juniors, which means I can do it in training.

Two main "engines" in the search for destination

The best reward in our life is the opportunity to do something that is worth it.
Theodore Roosevelt.

The first “engine” is those activities that you have loved for many years. You just need to remember and write it down on a piece of paper. All activities that I have consistently loved for many years. I love the process, not the results. Of course performance is important. But they depend largely on the skill of the person. And skill is acquired under the guidance of experienced masters or trainers.

It often happens that a person has a calling to something. He loves some business and it gives him great pleasure to do it. And there are no results. The person thinks: This is a sign that it is not working out. It's just not mine. And throws. And he just didn't do it right. Not professional at all. So the first engine in the search for destination is LOVE. Love for something.

The second "engine" is problems. There is one very positive grain in the problems. This is the motivation to solve them. A huge motivation, which is popularly called "a fried rooster pecked." As long as there is a problem, I really want to solve it. And when you decide - there is joy and pleasure. This is the second "engine".

It helped me that there were a lot of problems. I solved these problems and I put it together with what I loved before all my life.

And this scheme should help each person find a purpose.

Some 2-3 things that you get high from the process. I enjoyed the workout.

Then, to this you need to add some of your own problem that you want to solve. If you have this problem, other people have it too. Then you take what you love, the problems that you have. You begin to solve your problems, and your vocation should develop from this. A calling is what you want to do and what you get.

The two components of a vocation

motivation for the process. Love for the process. A man should do what he loves.

Then you need to learn how to get results. And with them money and recognition.

All together it gives a calling. It is also called PURPOSE.

The plane was hijacked by terrorists. They threaten to kill one hostage per hour.
One in a mask grabs the first woman he comes across and asks:

- The name of?

- Zulfiya.

- I can not be killed, my first love was called Zulfiya.

Grab a second hostage.

- What is your name?

- Vee .. cha ... but friends often call me Zulfiya.

What then is the difference between vocation and mission? What is your mission, what is your calling?

A mission is something that a person then establishes for himself. A vocation is what GOD put in it.

What is stitched in it. Let's call it that. I really like the definition of VOCATION, which is in the Oral Torah. Every person has something that is already sewn into him. It is written in the Proverbs of King Solomon: educate a teenager, a young man according to his calling. His temperament, his essence, what he loves. There are people who love to learn, and there are people who don't like to learn. It is said in the Torah: if a person loves to shed blood, then this is his calling. But how he implements it, there are options. Choice between Good and Evil. He can become a soldier and fight. Can go to the police, catch villains. He can go to a meat packing plant and kill animals, give people meat. Can become a surgeon and save lives. All these are people who shed blood, they all shed blood. They love it, they love it. You can't be a surgeon if you don't like to cut. I know such people. One surgeon girl is just a fan. She is a surgeon, PhD, so she is in the hospital where she works almost lives. She loves to save people. Another person cannot do this at all, many cannot see blood.

This is a calling. It's that you have a predisposition to it. Everyone says: tell me exactly what profession should I go into? I say I don't know. The vocation is expressed in the fact that you love doing some kind of action, you love the process. I consider it a calling.

Then, you must come up with a profession for this vocation. Find the kind of profession that dresses up for what you love to do. Then you will be engaged in this profession for a long time, with high quality, with love.

And then, if you have good teachers, trainers, you can learn how to do this profession very well and become a successful person in this profession. This is a calling. Such a path. You find your favorite thing, then you start to improve in this profession and get results, and then you realized your calling. This is called realizing a vocation, when you do what you love and get results in the form of money and a vocation.

If you see a master who is fast in his work, he will stand before kings.
Parables of King Solomon.

A mission is what a person does in order to change something in the world, in the fate of other people. Mission is when he wants to do something for others.

A person sets a mission for himself. She's impossible to find. It is a person's choice to give up their selfishness and do something for other people.

For example, one person says: I am a cool doctor. This is my calling. A . And then he can help as a doctor, as a volunteer, as anyone. Or my mission is to bring people closer to God. Or help children. Mission - when you do something spiritual that does not lead you to your goal, but changes something in the world around you, makes the world a better place. This is from the spiritual realm. And the vocation is from the material sphere.

A person feels the meaning and purpose of his own life only when he realizes that others need him.
Stefan Zweig

Practical steps to find a calling (purpose)

A profession should initially be an act of love. And not an arranged marriage.
Murakami Haruki

Can you advise daily active actions, steps, to a person who is looking for his calling? I don’t know what my calling is, what I need to do every day to slowly get closer to it.

I have a very clear system. You need to sit down. Sit down now. Do an exercise. Take a piece of paper and write down a list of things you love to do for at least 2-3 years. For example, what do you like to do: cook, clean? Someone loves it. My wife loves to iron and fold everything. My daughter loves to sing, dance and perform. Each person must find what he loves to do, the process itself, he enjoys it.

This is the first step: write down 4-5 activities that you have loved to do for many years. For example, whatever woman writes, I love sex. This is also normal. And some don't like it. What is most interesting is that God made the world so that there are absolutely amazing things that someone loves to do. And they get high on it. And it is because of this that they exist and earn. There are people who like to clean, to build something. Everywhere you look, there are lovers.

God gave love to all things in the world, therefore the world exists. Find what you love. This is the first part of the exercise.

After you have written what you like to do, write what professions are there in which people do something similar. What are the professions that people are engaged in and they are known, realized, receive money for this. Glory. Success.

And you see: I love to cook. Who among those who love to cook gets good money. Cooks, chefs. There are people who teach how to cook. Restaurant critics. There are people who love to cook, the owner of a restaurant, a cafe.

For each favorite activity, do research. You can ask people around. Maybe google. What are the professions that exactly realize my love? And it turns out that you have a list of many professions. Then you look: in order to succeed in any business, you need to do this business for 5-7 years. 10 thousand hours. From the proposed list of professions, you look at what is more accessible to you, perhaps for implementation.

You have to imagine it: I will cook for 5-7 years. I'll be a chef, I love to cook - that's one story. And I will stand in the kitchen 8 hours a day with a frying pan - this is completely different. Then you cross out from this list of professions what is definitely not yours and you have a list of what is POSSIBLY yours.

For example, you like to write on the Internet. Journalists write and get paid. Bloggers write and get paid. Find familiar bloggers or acquaintances of your friends. We need to see how this work works in reality. Feel with your hands or see with your eyes.

For example, what professions are associated with love for sex?

Someone writes articles or books about it. There was one woman, a housewife.

The history of the 50 Shades of Gray trilogy

The idea to write her own book came to Erica when she first became acquainted with the work of the notorious Stephenie Meyer.

This event took place in 2009. At that time, Mrs. Leonard, moving away from work, mastered the role of an ordinary housewife.

Stephenie Meyer's book "Twilight" literally turned the life of Erica Leonard. After all, it was based on her motives that a fanfic was created, which later resulted in the original work "50 Shades of Gray" and its continuation. Immediately after the release (in 2011), the book became a bestseller in the US and UK. So Erica Leonard made her dream come true.

Erica Leonard does not hide the fact that she reflected all her erotic fantasies in the trilogy. Not suffering from hypocrisy, the writer has become the idol of many women, opening up for them a world where there is no concept of "You can't."

A happy mother and wife, Erika is the author of 50 Shades of Grey, today she is successfully moving up the career ladder and is actively writing a continuation of the story about Christian and Anastasia. By the way, according to Time magazine, in 2012, the former housewife entered the hundred most influential people in the world.

Someone just loves sex, while the other makes his calling out of it and opens a sex shop. Masseurs, fitness trainers, for example, there is such a profession as a “psychologist-sexologist”.

A patient comes to a psychiatrist
- Doctor, everyone says I'm a sex maniac.

Doctor: Interesting, we'll check it out.
He takes out a piece of paper on which a square is drawn. What is drawn here?

Patient:- It's simple. It's a bed. They have sex on it!

The doctor takes out the following sheet, with a triangle:- Well, what is drawn here?

Patient (chuckling):- Well, doctor, right there it is ... It's even uncomfortable for me to talk.

The doctor shows a leaf with a circle:- And what's that?

Patient:- Well, this is generally ... I'm embarrassed to say it out loud!

Doctor:- Well, everything is clear. You are truly a maniac.

Patient:- But you, doctor, are also a sex maniac, aren't you? Confess?

Doctor:- Why do you think so?

Patient:- Where do you get these pictures from?

When you find your favorite job, you need to find people who are the best in these professions. You can either meet these people or read, watch interviews, see how their work is going and try to enter this profession as a student. At least for a couple of weeks, absolutely free. To see if it's really what you've been dreaming of.

I remember how I once looked for myself, before I became a coach. I was a businessman, engaged in different types of business. Tried to make money. Then, he became a religious person. 5 years was engaged only in religion. Only spiritual growth, no work at all. Lived on alms. That which was donated to religious people. And then I realized that this is not my path in life.

And just at the age of 33, I began to look for my path. This was before I started to solve my problems and solved them through training and realized that this was mine. My first idea was to open a restaurant. I remembered that all my adult life I loved to sit in cafes, restaurants and communicate with people. I thought that if I like to sit in a restaurant and chat, then I will open a restaurant. I will sit in a restaurant, chat. and people will pay me money.

This will be my restaurant. And I thought we should test this idea. I wanted to take a cooking course. From my past experience, I remembered getting burned when doing business in a field that you do not know. In which you are not a professional. It is very easy to break off in a new field due to lack of experience and knowledge. I had a lot of breakouts.

I then decided that I would go technically. And I started looking for cooking courses. I will finish cooking courses, I will go to some cafe. I will work as a cook for a month, I will study how the kitchen works. I will know from the inside how the kitchen works. I will work as a waiter. Learn how they work. And only after that, when I know the whole process from the inside, then I will open a cool cafe. And this plan failed. Because I read Tony Buzan's book and I got it right. Then Stephen Covey, then went to the training of Dale Carnegie. And then I went through the trainings of Tony Robbins and Merlin Atkinson. It was from her that I received a diploma and the profession of Business Coach. This was in 2006.

I thought this is much better for me. I am correcting myself. I train all the time. I teach other people, they have results. They are satisfied and happy, they pay me money, then they thank me all their lives. What could be better? This is how I found my purpose.

If I had not become a business coach, I would have realized my second love. I love to train and fix my problems and help people. And still sit in a restaurant and chat. I could realize myself as the owner of a cafe or restaurant.

A specialist is someone who knows a lot about very little.
N. Butler

You go to the goal and it doesn't work. How do you know when to continue and when to retreat?

Let me give you an example from personal practice. In sports, I was like that. At first I had a very cool swimming coach, a European champion. Although she may not have been a great coach. Being an athlete or a specialist in any field does not guarantee that a person can teach him.

But the main thing is not this. The main thing is that I did not like to swim. And I retired from swimming. It is impossible and unrealistic to do something you do not like. Even if you have good results, there is no pleasure.

A new, world-famous conductor comes to the orchestra. First rehearsal. All musicians play their best. And only the first violin of the orchestra is constantly grimacing. The conductor stops the rehearsal and asks:
- You don't like the way I conduct?
- What do you? I like it very much - says "first violin". And he continues to play and terribly twist.
The new conductor again stops the rehearsal.
- Don't you like the piece of Bach we're playing?
- I like it ... - answers the "first violin" and grimaces even more.
-So what's wrong with your face? Why are you so unhappy? the conductor asks.

- I DO NOT LOVE MUSIC - with a sigh, the "first violin" answered.

I started looking for a sport that I liked. Found athletics. And in the beginning I had a bad coach. Not that maliciously bad. Just a coach. Who received his salary at the Youth Sports School (children's and youth sports school) and did not overstrain. It's like there are 100 hairdressers in every district. And there are 2-3 well-known masters in the city.

I was doing what I loved, and I didn't succeed. I already wanted to quit. I trained for 5 years and dreamed of becoming a champion. And I didn't succeed. I was ready to give up everything. But then two important things happened to me. I had a favorite thing and a good coach appeared. I became the champion of the USSR, and then the third at the World Championship. If you are doing what you love and you are not succeeding, then you need to learn how to do it right. Do not give up what you love, think. Look for a coach, an expert. Study books. You need a great coach. If you have a favorite thing, the question is in the coach.

Initially, you can know or not, what will work? You choose a profession according to your vocation. Are there any guarantees?

There are no guarantees in this world. The only thing that can be said for sure is that all great people agree that you need to do what you love.

You need to start by finding what you love. Then the fact that you love to find a profession and learn, and then you will do what you love and will be realized in this favorite business. Money, success, fame and recognition will come to you. And you can't stumble here. impossible to stumble. You do what you love, do it right, and grow in it. This is a very important detail, it is more important than anything else. Every day to develop, learn, allocate an hour a day. Each person is obliged from 15 min. up to an hour a day to develop in life. Read professional literature. Getting better every day.

If any person does what he loves and reads 12 professional books a year, he will grow. He may not be able to do this. But if he is doing something he doesn't like, he won't read 12 books. He doesn't need it at all.

When does the money start coming in? And will they definitely come if you carry out the plan that you told?

“I am firm, resolute and persistent, and without these character traits you will never achieve success. Being tough does not mean being unpleasant, quarrelsome, or unreasonable. Firmness is perseverance and a categorical refusal to give up or give in. Truly valuable things rarely come easy and usually require careful preparation, time and hard work.”
Donald Trump

Money is made up of two main factors. The first factor: what value do you give people? If you give value to people, then money will be returned to you. There are 2 ways to give people value: the first is you invest. Let's take a house as an example. To sell apartments in it, you must first buy land. Invest and invest. Then you create value and money comes. The same is true in any profession. You must become a professional. Must really give people some value and the more value you give, the more return you get.

Everyone today measures what value it gives. How to freeze it? How much money are you getting now? How much value you give is how much money you get. If you are easy to replace and millions of people can do the same, then the value that you can create is small. The loader can move the goods from place to place. A lot of people can do the same. Therefore, the value of this action is not great. But the engineer of a nuclear power plant - he knows something special. It is not easy to replace. And its value is higher. And millions of people want to look at Nastya Kamensky. Therefore, the value of her creativity and communication is growing. Demand sets the price.

Then you can increase your value. Increase your ability to sell your value. This is a separate skill, the ability to sell. There are people who don't know how to sell. They can do great value. but they don't know how to sell. And others, have the skill to sell. Then they offer their selling skill to people who don't have it. And they get their money back. For example, when I started my journey as a coach, I knew how to sell. That is why my first corporate training client started paying me $1,500 a day. Although before that I received such an amount in Israel for a month of work. Precisely because I knew how to sell, I asked the question - how much do you pay the business coaches you invite? They answered that 1500 dollars a day. I agreed that I will conduct one training and then the participants, the best employees of the company, will be interviewed and find out how much their company needs my training. What value do I bring? They responded after the training that my training was the best they've ever had. Therefore, they began to pay me at the maximum rate.

So I spent a year corporate training. All this time I have been increasing my value. I wanted to learn how to gather groups and conduct my "open trainings". It's a completely different skill. A year has passed and I have learned. Then I learned to write articles. Then I learned to write books. I started writing 1-2 books a year. Conduct open trainings and continue to conduct corporate ones. True, because of the added value that came to me through daily training, I gradually raised the price to 7,000 euros per day. And as my growth continues through daily learning of new valuable skills and knowledge, I hope to reach the value of such outstanding coaches as Tony Robbins, Robin Sharma, Brian Tracy. Their value is measured by the fee they receive for performing. For example, Tony Robbins earns $1 million a day. Robin Sharma brings less benefit to people and therefore his fee is "only" 100 thousand dollars a day.

The main answer to the question of when the money will come is to learn daily those skills that will raise your value. The faster you learn to benefit people and the skill to “sell” your results, the faster and more money will be in your life.

And once again I will remind you of my main scheme, according to which you can draw up a development plan in any area.

There are few unattainable things in the world: if we had more perseverance, we could find a way to almost any goal.
La Rochefoucauld F.

  1. Define your goal. As specific as possible. Do not evaluate its realism, but evaluate your desire to achieve it. Even the most difficult goal, with a great desire, is easier to achieve than a small one and without desire.
  2. Find those people who have already achieved it. At least 5 people who started from a situation similar to you.
  3. Learn more about how they got started. What did they study, do, know? Read their interviews and stories about them. In general, maximum information about their path.
  4. After you understand what they knew, were able to, did, draw up your development plan. How to become the person who can achieve the goal that you set. Nobody is born perfect. All people who have achieved success CREATED THEMSELVES.


You are what you do.
You are your choice. The one you turn yourself into.
It is impossible to find oneself - one can only create oneself.
Johnny Depp

When I realized that I wanted to teach, I found the best trainers in the world. Learned their path. Where did they start, what do they know how to do. Every day I studied, developed, invested time and effort to grow as a coach. This is a separate work. Then at some point I grew up. Learned additional skills. Write articles, books, maintain pages in social networks. I learned how to show the world that I am a good coach. Every day for 2 years I wrote one article. I have written 13 books. I recently remembered how I wrote 13 books? Every day I sat and wrote. And to write, you need at least an hour to read. Then think about everything, process. For 5 years I have been investing, investing my labor, mostly my time, and for the last 2-3 years I have been harvesting. So in any case.


Most importantly: find what you love. Find someone who makes money doing what you love. Find out what he can do, what he has learned. How is he different from you and set a goal over the next year to acquire the skills that helped him realize himself in your calling.

Man must improve himself. Finding a calling is like finding the engine that drives you through life. And secondly, he must put everything else on this engine. Lots of new skills. Additional skills, etc. And when he puts on the right skills for this engine, for what he wants, then this is self-realization. Success, money, etc.

A vocation is a passion, an obsession, it is what makes us burn, it can become one of the meanings of your life. And after a person finds his calling, his life will never be the same. It is divided into "before and after". That's right, and it's not a joke!

Van Gogh got up every day at 5 am, and by the end of the day he had a completed painting. During his short creative life, the artist created more than 800 paintings and 700 drawings. Incredible productivity, right?

Leo Tolstoy, during the period of his literary work, left a legacy in the form of more than 270 works of literary creativity. Mozart created music everywhere, even in the midst of a noisy party, he could compose music on an ordinary paper napkin. And imagine if all of the above became "engineers". We would lose a serious part of the world cultural heritage.

What if Leo Tolstoy, Coco Chanel or Van Gogh doze in us? And we lock them in a cage with a sign "accountant", "engineer" or "lawyer". How to find your calling at work?


Looking for what brings us pleasure.

" What do you like to do? What do you like to do?" Calling should be fun. Write a list of 30 activities that you enjoy doing. Don't think, just write whatever comes to mind. Brainstorming is announced! Can the following questions help you?

"What did you like to do as a child, as a teenager?" During this period, especially during early childhood, we most often do not need to be someone, we do not need to earn money and think about how we will survive. All this is done for us by our parents. And it was at this moment that we did what we loved, what we liked. Remember who you wanted to be as a child. You can involve your family - they will surely remember something interesting about your childhood hobbies.

"What can't you not do?" Do you look through magazines and always dress stunningly, give advice to your girlfriends on how to behave with a man, endlessly photograph everything and everyone, read a lot or are you a desperate music lover? At this stage, you can already think about: how can I stop this as a profession? Don't forget to write it down, it's very important.

"What do you want to learn?" This question is a lifeline for those who have difficulty with the previous two. If it happened that "adult life" blocked all the ways to retreat - it does not matter. It's never too late to learn. Write at least 5 points of what you would definitely like to learn. And your task in the near future is to choose training courses for yourself. And please don't think: what am I going to do with it? What if it's not a calling? What if you work at a job you don't like until the age of 60?

“What do you absolutely dislike doing?” This list will also be extremely helpful. Your task is not to break yourself for the sake of work, but to understand your characteristics and choose a calling taking into account your unique qualities and character traits. Do you feel the difference?

Decide what works well

"What am I good at?" Best of all, no worse than others, better than some, and so on. What are you really good at? Call on the help of your relatives, acquaintances, colleagues and do not let them out of your hands until they name 5 things that you are doing great.

Finding an area of ​​interest

Granite of what science do you gnaw at regular intervals? It can be anything: special literature, educational events, forums, biographies, films, programs, special magazines. Observe yourself during the week, what sources of information do you use most often and what is this information about? This will help you understand your calling and how to find yourself in adulthood.

We exclude the influence of the monetary factor

Money is not a strong enough motivation that will keep us in a business that we are not interested in for a long time. Therefore, we take pens and a notebook, and answer the question: “What would I do if I had enough money?” Of course, for a couple of weeks we would just lie in bed and do nothing, but gradually boredom would begin to overcome us. Therefore, try to imagine yourself in a similar situation and be sure to write down at least 10 activities of your carefree life.

We shape and select possible calling options

After our fruitful analysis, you should have a pile of scribbled paper in front of you. If not, go back to step # 1, as further movement is pointless for you. The next task is to give shape to desires. Namely, to understand in what area you can realize yourself. The result will be a list of professions in front of you. Brainstorming continues!

For example, if you have a pronounced penchant for the fashion industry, you can be a columnist, journalist, designer, open a store or an online store, make a blog.

You need to feel the profession

All you can do to understand is to try. At least once, immerse yourself in your intended calling. You may have 1000 and 1 guess, but the reality may be different. Dreaming about a calling and working are two completely different things. The most important thing is that you feel good in the process of work. Part of the unpleasant routine can then be transferred to other people. How to join a new team.


To be truly successful in your calling, your product and service must have customers. Without unnecessary talk, modesty - post the products of your creativity on the network, demonstrating yourself. It is likely that one of your acquaintances, friends or colleagues will ask: “Can I do this? And I want too!”

How to find your calling in the profession: dealing with objections

The next block is for the doubters. We begin to work with objections and inhibitory mechanisms.

"I'm not making money from this." Reflect on the question “In the world, does anyone make money on this? Is anyone getting an income that will be enough?” If someone is already making money, then you can too.

“I have many years to change something.” A grandiose delusion inherent in people of all ages. We would forever lose one of the trendsetters, Christina Dior, because he only started working as a womenswear designer at the age of 42. Or Van Gogh only at the age of 27 began to take painting lessons and then could no longer stop in his work. So age is not a barrier.

“I don’t have the necessary skills and professional education.” Sphere additional education now offers a huge number of courses on a variety of topics. In a short time, you may well get the necessary skills. And the best education is practice. Therefore, even if you decide to get additional education, immediately start working.

"I'm afraid to start over." Find your duty notebook, divide the sheet of paper into two columns. Now we will describe your future in 50 years, no joke! On the left, describe how you see your future, if you still haven’t decided to change something and go to meet your calling. On the right, try to imagine what your life will be like if you find your calling. Which option do you like better?

It's never too late to take a step towards your calling, just imagine how different your life will be. A vocation is not a magical treasure buried in the impenetrable jungle of the unconscious. This is what lies on the surface. And your task is simply to understand how to find your calling.

Text: Anastasia Zaloga

Life vocation is primarily associated with the choice of profession. But we are talking about a profession that will become the basis and meaning of life. To become a good specialist, you need not just to acquire professional knowledge, skills and abilities, but to feel the harmony of the personal "I" and the professional "I". How to achieve this will be discussed.

The ideal activity matches , interests, and . Under this condition, a person is satisfied with himself and his work.

Job satisfaction criteria:

  • time passes unnoticed, Mondays do not seem to be hard days;
  • every day is perceived as a new opportunity, and not as another torment;
  • you do not feel tired, on the contrary, the level of energy increases;
  • you enjoy going to work;
  • they turn to you for professional advice.

So what is a calling? This is what you want and can do, get paid for it, make a tangible contribution to society. Although financial benefits do not always bring the desired results. But if we are talking about a profession, then over time this can really be achieved.

What's stopping you from finding a calling?

Some people don't even start looking for their calling. They are stopped, self-doubt, public,.

Few people manage to find their path the first time. More often, people take their place in adulthood. But to find this place, you need to try yourself in different professions, areas. This is where many stop: getting out of the habitual, trying something new, deviating from the familiar is scary.

The situation is aggravated if society puts pressure on a person. This happens when there is a desire to change a stable job in the office for unstable self-employment, the realization of one's dream, the disclosure of personal potential. Someone says that this is not serious, someone says that you need to feed your family, children, pay a mortgage. And sometimes it really does. Not everyone can take a risk, drop everything and go nowhere. But some people are only held back by their "demons" of consciousness. There are no loans, no wives, but fear is stronger than the desire to try yourself in a new direction.

Another obstacle is comparing yourself to others. Never be guided by someone else's success or failure. You are not this person. You have a different experience, habits, knowledge, abilities. In some ways you are worse, and in some ways you are better than other people, because you are basically a different person. In any case, you can only compare yourself with yourself.

Well, the last thing that often prevents a person from finding himself in life is the expectation of quick results, the inability to experience failures, weak, insufficient determination. Any business requires time to master, even if you have the appropriate inclinations, inclinations for this type of activity. After all, it is the result of hard work.

In many cases, the result is delayed. At first, the effort expended far outweighs the results. But it is important to remember the future and adequately evaluate the results at the moment.

How to find a calling

To determine the vocation, I propose to use two interrelated exercises. There are many methods that allow you to get to know yourself better, decide on a profession, but these, in my opinion, are the most effective, concise and multifunctional.


Conduct a written analysis, search for common ground of interests, skills, abilities, character. How to do it:

  • write down 20 bright traits of your character, strengths;
  • write down 20 things you love to do;
  • write down 20 things you can do or learn if you want to.

Analyze the results obtained, write a few professions in which you can try yourself. For example, you like to be the center of attention, you have a loud voice, you know how to lure and win people over. Perhaps you should take vocal courses and try your hand at this field. They say that everyone can learn to sing. But not all people are endowed with a strong voice.

Profession portrait

Describe in detail the preferred employment: schedule, working day, weekends, duties. The more points you write, the better. It is important to know not only your characteristics, but also to know what exactly you are looking for, what kind of work you dream of. Do not forget to ask yourself questions: “Why do I need this job?”, “What do I want and can give to society?”

See if there are overlapping positions in the results of the first and second tasks. When in doubt, contact someone you trust. The more independent experts you bring in, the better.


A vocation is a message, an idea that you bring to the world. This is your task, the desire to change something in society. Think about how you can help this world, how you can and want to improve it.

Think about whether there is something that you are ready to do even for free. Is there something without which you cannot imagine yourself, do it in any state, at any time. In this area, and look for your calling.

“There is one thing that most people do not know: happiness is possible only when you realize yourself as a person, when you realize your calling, your nature. If you cling to something, some familiar place, stability, there will be stability. But there will never be satisfaction. Internally, you need to weigh what you want: external stability or to be a happy person, ”- Oleg Gadetsky, psychologist.

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