
Astronomy for children. The structure of the solar system for children: how to interestingly talk about space and planets Encyclopedia about space for children to read

From my teaching experience I can say that children after four years of great interest listen to stories about space, stars and planets of the solar system. If you draw your baby’s attention to the starry sky and start talking about the stars and constellations, then most likely you will capture the baby’s attention for a long time and he will ask you a bunch of questions.

Remember yourself as a child, how you were fascinated by the starry sky. And even now, having already become adults, there is hardly a person indifferent to the starry sky, space and the secrets associated with them.

What knowledge can be given to the youngest in the field of astronomy? Of course, first of all you need to focus on the child’s interest. You can tell someone a lot, while others will limit themselves to only the most superficial knowledge. In any case, children are unlikely to remain indifferent to this topic. Personally, I have never met such people.

What to tell your child about the solar system and space

Children preschool age may know:

  1. What is the solar system
  2. What is the sun
  3. How many planets are there in the solar system and their order
  4. Tell us a little about the features of each planet
  5. What are planetary satellites
  6. What are constellations
  7. Names of the most common constellations
  8. Know about the North Star
  9. What is a galaxy

On store shelves you can find many books and encyclopedias in which information is presented in an accessible and interesting form for children. Below I have selected material about space and the planets of the solar system for kids. For preschoolers, this knowledge is quite enough. But, as you understand, the topic of space is immense.

Remember the planets of the solar system in order

Children love counting rhymes very much. And to remember the names of the planets of the solar system and their order, I suggest you learn the rhyme with your children:

In order, all the planets can be named by any of us: One - Mercury, Two - Venus, Three - Earth, Four - Mars. Five - Jupiter, Six - Saturn, Seven - Uranus, followed by Neptune. He is the eighth in a row. And behind it, then, is the ninth planet called Pluto. A. Hight

Presentation about the planets of the solar system and space

I would like to offer you a presentation about space and planets solar system for children. You can watch the presentation in the video format below:

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How can you introduce the planets of the solar system to children? This question interests not only teachers, but also parents who want to introduce their children to astronomical observations. It is best to start a description of the solar system with the brightest star - the source of heat and energy.

For example, you can tell children that the planet appeared due to a violent explosion of several stars that occurred almost 4.5 billion years ago.

The origin of the solar system was studied by ancient astronomers, trying to connect the Sun with the phenomena that occurred on Earth.

Planets of the Solar System

Its center is the Sun, around which eight planets move in their own orbits, each of which deserves close attention.

An interesting fact is that until 2006, Pluto was also included in the structure of the solar system, calling it the ninth planet. But, after the size of the planet and the distance to the Sun were determined, astronomers found out that it was a dwarf planet, and therefore they began to refer it to the Kuiper belt.

Division into groups

When examining the structure of the solar system with schoolchildren, it can be noted that all planets are divided into groups:

  • terrestrial group;
  • gas giants.

The first group includes the following planets: Venus, Mercury, Mars, Earth. They are small in size, have a rocky surface, and are closest to the Sun.

The gas giants include: Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter. These planets are characterized by large sizes. Some have rings that are made up of icy dust and rocky chunks.


It is impossible without a story about this star. It is around it that the planets and satellites in the solar system revolve. The celestial body consists of helium and hydrogen. The age of the Sun is 4.5 billion years. Currently, it is in the center of its life cycle, and there is a gradual increase in size. After the same number of years, the star will expand and approach the Earth’s orbit.

It is the Sun that is the main source of light and heat for the Earth. The star changes its activity every 11 years. The temperatures on its surface are so high that no special apparatus has yet been able to come close to the star and take clear pictures.

Earth group

Astronomy for children includes an overview of each planet.

Mercury is a planet that can be called the smallest in the solar system.

Its diameter is only 4879 kilometers. Mercury is closest to the Sun. During the daytime, the temperature on the planet is about +350 degrees Celsius, and at night the figure drops to -170 degrees.

If we compare it with an earthly year, Mercury completes a full revolution around the sun in 88 days, and a day is equal to 59 earthly days. Astronomers have been able to establish that the speed of Mercury's rotation around the Sun changes periodically.

Mercury has no atmosphere, which is why the planet is often attacked by asteroids, which leave a huge number of craters on the surface.

Due to its proximity to the brightest star in our Galaxy, Mercury is poorly studied. Astronomers were able to detect helium, oxygen, argon, hydrogen, and sodium on the planet. What secret does this planet in the solar system have?

For children, it can be noted that according to one version, Mercury is considered former, but evidence for this theory has not yet been found.


This planet is the second farthest from the Sun. It is close in size to the Earth, its diameter is 12,104 kilometers. As for the other parameters, they differ significantly from our planet.

The length of a day on Venus is 242 Earth days, the year lasts 255 days. 95% of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide, this is why a greenhouse effect is created on Venus, resulting in a temperature of 475 degrees Celsius. It was possible to detect 0.1% oxygen and 5% nitrogen in the atmosphere.

There is practically no liquid on Venus; it is covered with frozen basaltic lava. There is an interesting version according to which there were once oceans on the planet, but due to the high temperature, they evaporated and the solar wind carried the steam into outer space.

Weak winds are observed near the planet, but at an altitude of 50 kilometers, their speed increases significantly and reaches 300 m/s.

A large number of hills and craters were discovered on the planet, which resemble the earth's continents. The formation of craters is due to the fact that the planet once had a less dense atmosphere.

As a distinctive feature of Venus, one can note its movement from east to west, which is unusual for other planets. The reason for this anomaly is the ability of its atmosphere to completely reflect sunlight. Venus has no natural satellites.


When discussing how many planets there are in the solar system, one cannot fail to mention our Earth. It is located at a distance of 150 million kilometers from the Sun. This remoteness explains the comfortable temperature on our planet, suitable for liquid water. That is why the Earth in the solar system is the only planet on which there is life.

More than 70% of its surface was covered with water. There is a version according to which many thousands of years ago the atmosphere contained steam, which made it possible to create on the surface the temperature necessary for its transition to a liquid state of aggregation.

The Earth is a special planet in the solar system. After all, its atmosphere contains oxygen, which is necessary for the process of photosynthesis, as well as for the respiration of living organisms.

The diameter of our planet is 12,742 km.

The length of an earthly day is 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds. What is special about this planet in the solar system? It will be interesting for children to learn that in the depths of the planet there are huge tectonic plates, when they collide, the landscape changes.

In addition to oxygen, earth's atmosphere there are inert gases, and 77% is nitrogen.

What other features does this planet in the solar system have? For children, you can prepare a story about how the Moon acts as a natural satellite of the planet, which is always turned to the Earth with one side.


Let's try to figure out the secret of the “red” planet of the solar system. For children, it should be noted that Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. It is much smaller than the Earth, its radius is only 6779 km. The planet allows temperature differences from -155 degrees to +20 degrees at the equator.

Mars has a weak magnetic field and a very thin atmosphere, so solar radiation penetrates unhindered onto the surface of the planet. Answering the question about the possibility of the existence of life on the planet, scientists come to the conclusion that living beings can only survive inside Mars.

Automatic devices that examined the surface of the planet discovered glaciers and dry river beds. Martian sand contains iron oxide, which gives the planet its red color.

There are often dust storms here that are destructive. 96% of the atmosphere of Mars is carbon dioxide, and the content of water vapor and oxygen is minimal. The planet has two satellites: Deimos and Phobos. They are small in size and have an uneven shape, similar to asteroids.

Gas giants

When discussing how many planets there are in the solar system, one cannot ignore Jupiter, Uranus, and Saturn.

The largest planet in the solar system is Jupiter. The diameter of this planet is 19 times greater than that of Earth. Most of the planet is made up of argon, xenon, and krypton. There is helium and hydrogen in the atmosphere of this planet, but there is no water on the surface. Jupiter has about 67 satellites. Among the largest are: Europa, Callisto, Io, Ganymede.

Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system. It is similar in composition to the Sun. The planet's atmosphere contains hydrogen and a small amount of helium. In its upper layers, auroras and thunderstorms are often observed.

What makes Saturn unique is that it has 65 moons and several rings made up of small particles of ice and rock formations.

Uranus is the third largest planet and the seventh largest planet from the Sun. Astronomers call it an “ice planet” because its surface temperature is -224 degrees.

Of the 27 satellites of Uranus, the largest are: Umbriel, Titania, Oberon, Miranda.

Neptune is rightly called. Scientists have found that on this planet the wind speed reaches 700 m/s. The largest of the 14 moons of this planet is Triton.


In order to interest children in astronomical research, the teacher must choose the right material for an initial acquaintance with the planets of the solar system. Schoolchildren are interested in legends and myths told in such a way that children have a desire to independently find material about each planet.

Astrophysics - comparatively young science. But it was she who began to study interesting facts about the planets of the solar system, everything about their structure and composition. Having separated from astronomy, she studies physical composition of celestial bodies.

The sky has always been the object of close attention and interest of mankind. The stars have been observed since the time of the mythical Atlantis. The structure of celestial bodies, the trajectories of their movement, the change of seasons on Earth - all this was attributed to the influence of stars. Many theories were confirmed, others were rejected. Over time it was discovered that the Earth not the only planet in our galaxy.

In contact with

List of celestial bodies

Moving on to describing the interesting features of each, you need to list all the small and large planets of the solar system. A table indicating the position from the sun will be placed just below. Here we will limit ourselves to an alphabetical listing:

  • Venus;
  • Earth;
  • Mars;
  • Mercury;
  • Neptune;
  • Saturn;
  • Jupiter;
  • Uranus.

Attention! It is noteworthy that the top three included bodies on which, according to science fiction writers, people would eventually settle. Scientists doubt this option, but everything is subject to science fiction.

Curious facts

Everyone has seen the film “Carnival Night,” so there is no need to retell the plot. But even in terms of New Year's celebrations, which are discussed in the film, there should be a report on the topic: “Is there life on Mars?”

What happened to the lecturer and the report itself is well known to the audience. There is often information about Mars in the news.

Astronomical information also includes the fact that it rotates along the fourth trajectory, if we count from the Sun, belongs to the terrestrial group etc.


It is interesting that all the names of the nearest planets are named after ancient Roman gods. Mars is the god of war according to ancient mythology. There is a little confusion as many consider him to be a fertility god. Both are right. The Romans considered him the god of fertility, who could both destroy and save the harvest. Then, already in ancient Greek mythology, he received the name Ares (Mars) - the god of war.

Attention! Red Planet - Mars acquired its unofficial name due to the high iron content on its surface, which gives it a reddish tint. God received his formidable name in Greek mythology for the same reason. The reddish tint resembled the color of blood.

Few people know that the first month of spring is named after the god of fertility. It sounds the same in almost any language. Mars - March, Mars – March.

Mars is considered one of the most interesting planets in the solar system for children:

  1. The highest point on Earth three times lower than the highest point on Mars. Mount Everest is over 8 km high. Mount Olympus (Mars) - 27 km.
  2. Due to weaker gravity on Mars you can jump three times higher.
  3. Like Earth, Mars has 4 seasons. Each lasts 6 months, and the entire a year is 687 Earth days(2 earth years -365x2=730).
  4. It has its own Bermuda Triangle. Of every three satellites launched towards it, only one returns. Two disappear.
  5. Moons of Mars (there are two of them) revolve around it at approximately the same speed towards each other. Because orbital radii are different, they never collide.


An inexperienced user will immediately answer that the hottest planet in the solar system is the first from the sun - Mercury. However our Earth's twin Venus will easily give him a head start. Mercury has no atmosphere, and although it 44 days heated by the Sun, it spends the same number of days cooling down (A year on Mercury is 88 days). Venus due to the presence of an atmosphere with a high content of carbon dioxide maintains high temperature constantly.

Attention! Located between Mercury and Earth, Venus is almost constantly under a “greenhouse” cap. The temperature stays around 462 degrees. For comparison, lead melts at a temperature of 327 degrees.

Facts about Venus:

  1. She has no companions, but itself is so bright that it can cast a shadow.
  2. A day on it lasts more than a year - 243 earth days(year - 225).
  3. 3. All planets in the Solar System rotate counterclockwise . Only Venus rotates the other way.
  4. The wind speed on it can reach 360 km/h.


Mercury - first planet from the Sun. Let's look at some interesting information about him:

  1. Despite the dangerous proximity with his hot neighbor, he there are glaciers.
  2. Mercury boasts geysers. Because there is no oxygen on it, they consist of pure hydrogen.
  3. American research satellites detected presence of a small magnetic field.
  4. Mercury is eccentric. Its trajectory has an ellipse, the maximum diameter of which is almost twice the minimum.
  5. Mercury is covered in wrinkles and, since it has a minimum atmospheric thickness. As a result the inner core cools down, shrinking. Therefore, his mantle was covered with wrinkles, the height of which could reach hundreds of meters.


Saturn, despite the minimal amount of light and heat, not covered by glaciers, since its main components are gases: helium and hydrogen. It is one of the ringed planets in the Solar System. Galileo, who first saw the planet, suggested that the rings were a trace of the movement of two satellites, but they rotate very quickly.

Interesting information:

  1. Shape of Saturn - oblate ball. This is due to the rapid rotation of the celestial body around its axis. Its diameter at the widest part is 120 thousand km, at the narrowest - 108 thousand km.
  2. It ranks second in the solar system in terms of the number of its satellites - 62 pieces. At the same time, there are giants larger than Mercury, and there are very small ones with a diameter of up to 5 km.
  3. The main decoration of the gas giant are its rings.
  4. Saturn is 760 times larger than Earth.
  5. Its density is second only to water.

Researchers have proposed an interesting interpretation of the last two facts when teaching children:

  • If you create a bag the size of Saturn, then it would fit exactly 760 balls, the diameter of which is equal to the globe.
  • If a giant bathtub comparable to its size was filled with water, then Saturn would float on the surface.


Pluto is of particular interest.

Until the end of the twentieth century, it was considered the most the farthest planet from the Sun, but due to the discovery of the second asteroid belt beyond Neptune, in which fragments were found weighing and diameter exceeding Pluto, since the beginning of the 21st century it has been transferred to the status of dwarf planets.

An official name to designate bodies of this size has yet to be invented. At the same time, this “shard” has five of its satellites. One of them, Charon, is almost equal in its parameters to Pluto itself.

There is no planet in our system with a blue sky, except for Earth and... Pluto. In addition, it is noted that there is a lot of ice on Pluto. Unlike Mercury's ice sheets, this ice is frozen water, since the planet is quite far from the main body.


But the most interesting planet- this is Jupiter:

  1. He has rings. Five of them are fragments of meteorites approaching him. Unlike Saturn's rings, they do not contain ice.
  2. The moons of Jupiter were named after the mistresses of the ancient Greek god after whom he was named.
  3. It is the most dangerous for radio and magnetic devices. Its magnetic field can damage the instruments of a ship that tries to approach it.
  4. The speed of Jupiter is also interesting. The days on it are only 10 hours, and year is the time during which it occurs revolution around a star, 12 years.
  5. The mass of Jupiter is several times greater than the weight of all other planets orbiting the Sun.


Interesting facts.

  1. The South Pole - Antarctica, contains almost 90% of all the ice on the globe. Almost 70% of the world's fresh water is located there.
  2. Longest mountain range is underwater. Its length is more than 600,000 km.
  3. The longest range on land is the Himalayas (over 2500 km),
  4. The Dead Sea is the second deepest point in the world. Its bottom located at 400 meters below ocean level.
  5. Scientists suggest that our celestial body used to have two moons. After a collision with him, the second one crumbled and became an asteroid belt.
  6. Many years ago, the globe was not green-blue, as in today's photographs from space, but purple, due to the large number of bacteria.

These are not all the interesting facts about planet Earth. Scientists can tell hundreds of interesting, sometimes funny, pieces of information.


The simplest interpretation of this term is attraction.

People walk on a horizontal surface because it attracts. A thrown stone still falls sooner or later - gravity effect. If you are unsure on a bike, you fall - gravity again.

The solar system and gravity are interconnected. Celestial bodies have their own orbits around the star.

Without gravity, there would be no orbits. This entire swarm flying around our star would scatter in different directions.

Attraction is also reflected in the fact that all planets are round in shape. Gravity depends on distance: several pieces of any substance are mutually attracted, resulting in a ball.

Table of length of day and years

It is clear from the table that the further the object is from the main luminary, the shorter the day and the longer the years. Which planet has the shortest year? On Mercury it is only 3 earth months. Scientists have not yet been able to confirm or refute this figure, because not a single earthly telescope can constantly observe it. The proximity of the main luminary will definitely damage the optics. The data was obtained through space research vehicles.

The length of the day also depends on body diameter and the speed of its rotation. The white planets of the Solar System (terrestrial type), the names of which are presented in the first four cells of the table, have a rocky structure and a rather slow speed.

10 interesting facts about the solar system

Our solar system: Planet Uranus


The giant planets located beyond the asteroid belt are mostly gaseous, due to which they rotate faster. Moreover, all four have poles and an equator rotate at different speeds. On the other hand, since they are at a greater distance from the star, their complete orbit takes quite a long time.

All space objects are interesting in their own way, and each of them contains some kind of mystery. Their study is a long and very interesting process, which every year reveals to us new secrets of the Universe.

Astronomy- the oldest science about the Universe, the subject of study of which is cosmic objects, as well as processes and phenomena associated with them.

Since the first human flight into space, the main children's answer to the question “What do you want to become?” was the answer “Cosmonaut!”

People's interest in space will never fade; it attracts us with its secrets and universal scale. Looking at the starry sky, people have always asked themselves the main questions.

Today, in the times of space rockets, satellites and lunar rovers, we have something to tell our children.

However, the scale of the universe is difficult to imagine even for an adult.

All that remains is to figure out how interesting it is to tell your child about space and introduce him to the first basics of astronomy.

How to tell

Given the characteristics of childhood, it is very important to make the story simple and effective. To do this, you can use visual experiments; we describe an example of such experiments below. Thus, it will be much easier for the child to become familiar with thematic concepts that are difficult for him.

Today, parents are offered a large number of thematic materials that can also be used in their story.

Preschool children perfectly absorb information presented in a playful form, in the form of a fairy tale or poem.

And if you manage to surprise and charm a child’s imagination, perhaps the child will not only become interested in astronomy, but also fall in love with this science.

When telling your child about space for the first time, think about the fact that maybe, as an adult, looking at the stars, he will remember your activities and smile.

What to tell


Look at the sky. It seems that it is very close - stretch out your hand and touch the sun or the moon, but if you climb to the top of a tall tree, you will find yourself right next to them. But actually it is not. Neither we can reach the sky with our hands, nor the trees with their tops. The sun, moon and stars are very far from us. This major planets, to which you need to fly on a spaceship.

There are 8 planets in the solar system. They all revolve around the Sun, constantly along the same path, which is called an orbit. And one of these planets is our Earth.

What to tell:

The Sun is a large and very hot planet - it is a star - a huge, hot ball. It is very far away, but the heat from its rays reaches all the planets circling around it, and ours too. That's why it's warm here.

Not all stars are like the Sun. There are small stars, and medium ones, and huge ones - larger than the Sun.

The brightest among all the stars in the sky are the North Star and Sirius.

The sun is much larger than our planet. If you compare them, it’s like a watermelon and a small pea.

Visual material:

To compare the size of the Sun with the size of the Earth, you can take a pumpkin or watermelon and a pea. The pea is our Earth, the pumpkin is the Sun.

The earth is as much smaller than the sun as a pea is smaller than a pumpkin.


What to tell:

The moon is a satellite of our planet; it is only three days away.

The Moon moves around the Earth counterclockwise.

We see the moon only at night. The moon, as we see it in the sky, is not always the same shape. There are the following phases of the moon: new moon, crescent moon, first quarter of the waxing moon, waxing moon, full moon and then decreasing: waning moon, quarter of the waning moon, crescent of the waning moon, new moon again.

If the sickle in the sky looks like the letter C, then the moon is “old” and waning. If we visually draw a stick and get the letter P, then the moon is growing.

These phases can be depicted for the child on paper or by cutting them out of colored cardboard.

Visual material:

To demonstrate why the moon is sometimes round and sometimes crescent-shaped, take a regular table lamp and a ball. Conduct an experiment together by creating a moon at home. Show your child that we only see the illuminated part of the ball.

our planet

What to tell:

Our planet - planet Earth - is surrounded by an atmosphere. This is a protective layer that saves inhabitants from solar ultraviolet radiation, as well as from most meteorites. It can be compared to a blanket of air. It is thanks to him that our planet has the air that we breathe.

The most important difference between our planet and others is the presence of life on it.

It is believed that the rest of the space is lifeless. The faith and desire of people to find life on other planets makes us design spaceships to travel into space in order to study it.

Visual material:

You can boil a chicken egg and use its example to explain to your child what the Earth’s atmosphere is. Our planet is surrounded by a multi-layered atmosphere, just as the yolk of an egg is surrounded by white.

Other planets of the solar system

What to tell:

There are only 8 planets in the solar system.

The largest of them is Jupiter. And the most interesting one is Saturn, because it has huge rings around it.

Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune also have rings, but they cannot be seen from Earth.

Pluto was one of the last to be discovered. At first it was considered to be the ninth planet. It was discovered in 1930. But, over time, it was classified into another category of cosmic bodies, “dwarf planets.”

Planets are considered to be cosmic bodies that:

  • revolve around some star (in the case of the Solar System, this is the Sun);
  • have their own gravity, which explains their spherical (round) or close to spherical shape;
  • are not located near other similar large bodies;
  • are not a star.

Visual material:

To remember the names of all the planets in the solar system, you can learn a short rhyme:

All planets in order

Any of us can name:

One - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four - Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row.
And after him, then,
And the ninth planet
Called Pluto.


What to tell:

The closest star to us is the sun.

There are a huge number of stars in space that cannot be counted.

Any star is red-hot gas ball, which was formed from hydrogen molecules joined together.

A cluster of stars forms constellations.

Visual material:

To tell why the sun shines so brightly, take a regular flashlight or phosphor stars. With the lights off, hold them close to your baby so he can see how bright they burn.

Then slowly move to the end of the room, demonstrating that the luminous objects, moving away, become small and faded. Explain that the stars only appear small because they are very far away from us.

Telescopes help us see them closer by zooming in on images of stars and allowing us to see them better.

How a rocket flies

What to tell:

On April 12, our country celebrates Cosmonautics Day. On this day in 1961, our people's dream of flying into space came true - the first cosmonaut in history, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, flew into space on the Vostok-1 spacecraft. Its flight around the Earth lasted 108 minutes. Since then, we have celebrated Cosmonautics Day every year on this day.

Visual material:

Inflate the balloon and pinch the hole with your fingers. And then unclench your fingers and your ball will suddenly burst upward. This happens because air escapes from the balloon. And when the air runs out, the ball will fall. The balloon flew like a rocket - it moved forward as long as there was air in it.

A rocket flies into space using approximately the same principle, only instead of air it has fuel. When burning, the fuel turns into gas and bursts back into flame.

A rocket is made of several parts called stages, and each stage has its own fuel tank.

The first stage runs out of fuel - it falls away and the second stage engine immediately turns on and carries the rocket even faster and even higher. So only the third stage - the smallest and lightest - reaches space. It launches the cabin with the astronaut into orbit.

Games on the topic

1. Game "What will we take with us into space"

Lay out the drawings in front of your child and ask them to choose what they can take with them on the spaceship.

These can be the following pictures: a book, a notebook, a spacesuit, an apple, candy, a tube of semolina, an alarm clock, a sausage.

2. Game "Space Dictionary"

The game will help your child replenish his vocabulary with words related to the theme of space.

Whoever can name the most words related to space wins.

For example: satellite, rocket, alien, planets, Moon, Earth, astronaut, spacesuit, etc.

3. Game "Say the opposite"

The goal of the game is to teach the child to choose words with opposite meanings - antonyms.

For example:
Distant -…
cramped -…
big -…
get up -…
bright -…
fly away -...
high -…
famous -…
include -…
dark -…

4. Game "Navigating by the stars"

Together with your child, imagine that you are sailors lost in the Pacific Ocean. Ask your child to cut out small stars from paper and help glue them to the back of the tabletop to create the constellations Ursa Minor and Ursa Major.

Cover the table with a blanket - this will be your ship, take a flashlight and climb inside. It's night, the only compass has sunk, and all you can see are the stars above your heads (you can illuminate them with a flashlight).

Show your child how to use the stars to find their way.

Try together, looking at the stars, to determine which direction you should sail if you are heading east.

5. Game "Space Stones"

Every kitchen has baking foil. Such material can easily turn into space balls-rocks.

Scatter them in visible places so that the child can then collect these space stones. Then they can be thrown at a target or simply into a bowl, training accuracy.

Books for children on the topic

1. "Amazing starry sky. Atlas with stickers", S. Andreev.

2. "Discovering Space", Morton Jenkins.

3. "Professor Astrocat and His Journey into Space", Dominic Walliman and Ben Newman.

4. “Space”, D. Kostyukov, Z. Surova.

5. "Fascinating astronomy", E. Kachur.

6. Series "Your first encyclopedia", book "Wonderful Planet", publishing house "Makhaon".

7. Series "The very first encyclopedia", book "Planet Earth", publishing house "Rosman".

8. “My first book about space”, K. Portsevsky, M. Lukyanov.

9. "Stars and Planets. Encyclopedia for Children", E. Prati.

10. “Petya’s extraordinary adventures in space,” A. Ivanov, V. Merzlenko.

Cartoons on the topic

1. Cartoon series "Children and Space"

2. Educational cartoon "Planet Earth"

3. Entertaining lessons from Sahakyants “Astronomy for the little ones”

4. "The Secret of the Third Planet"

5. "Dunno on the Moon"

7. "Pep Pig", episode "A Trip to the Moon"

8. "Star Dogs: Belka and Strelka"

9. "Belka and Strelka: lunar adventures"

10. "Egon and Donchi"

11. "The Lunar Expedition of Christopher Cullumbus"

12. "Tom and Jerry: Flight to Mars"

13. "The Mystery of the Red Planet"

14. "Planet 51"

15. "Great Space Adventure"

16. "Planet of the Wind"

17. "Let's fly to the moon"

18. "Wally"

19. "Treasure Planet"

20. "Smeshariki: pin code collection"

Educational material on the topic

  • Magazine "School of 7 Dwarfs - 4+: Kids about stars and planets";
  • Magazine "The World Around Us", No. 1,5,7;
  • Solar system map;
  • Thematic cards;

Space crafts for kids

1. A rocket with a photo of your child astronaut.

Needed: photo of your baby, colored cardboard or paper.

2. Rocket from a plastic bottle.

Needed: plastic bottle, sock, cardboard, foil and thread.

3. Constellation spotlight.

Needed: a flashlight, circles cut out along the diameter of the flashlight with holes made in the shape of a constellation, paper cupcake molds, lace.

4. Touch space box.

Needed: clear plastic box, lentils, black beans, decorative glass balls, shiny sequins, space toys, small lanterns.

5. Space robot suit.

Needed: large cardboard box, tape, old wires, foil, stickers, markers, fantasy.

Where to look at the stars in Moscow

1. Observatories

Observatory- a specialized scientific structure and/or institution used for observing terrestrial and/or astronomical phenomena.

Some observatories make observations only when the weather is clear.

The operating hours of observatories should be clarified with the institution; please note that some observatories are open only 2 summer months a year, others from May to September.

Moscow City Palace of Children and Youth Creativity

M. University, st. Kosygina, 17, cor. 1
Price: free.

Astronomical Observatory of Moscow State University(State Astronomical Institute named after P.K. Sternberg at Moscow State University)

Moscow, Universitetsky Prospekt, 13
Price: free.

Observatory at the Moscow Planetarium

M. Barrikadnaya, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, 5, building 1
Price: on weekdays 250 rubles, on weekends 300 rubles.

People's Observatory on the territory of Gorky Park

M. Gorky Park, Oktyabrskaya.
Price: 200 rub.

People's Observatory on the territory of Sokolniki Park

M. Sokolniki, park territory
Price: 150 rub.

From Thursday to Sunday you can rent an external telescope for 50 rubles.

2. Planetariums

Planetarium - a scientific and educational institution that displays the celestial sphere with stars, planets and satellites, comets and meteors; as well as phenomena associated with celestial bodies.

Moscow Planetarium

Moscow, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya st., 5, building 1
Price: from 100 rub.

Planetarium of the Central House of the Russian Army

Moscow, Suvorovskaya square, 2, building 32
Price: 200 rub.

Planetarium of the Cultural Center of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Moscow, Suvorovskaya sq., 2, building 32.
Price: 200 rub.

If you have already had experience interacting with any scientific reference book in this area, give this book your rating and leave a review. Add books that deserve to be on this list. Together, thanks to user ratings and reviews, we will create an adequate and useful rating of children's encyclopedias about stars and planets.

    Natalya Opalinskaya

    This wonderful encyclopedia contains interesting facts and interesting details about nature. Here there is information about all the shells of the Earth (solid, water and air) and about the processes that occur in them, about the patterns of settlement of animals and plants and how they have adapted to life in often difficult conditions. Information is also provided about problems that arise in nature due to human activity and ways to solve them.... Further

    Magnificent three-dimensional illustrations will help readers see what our planet is made of and get an idea of ​​natural phenomena that are sometimes difficult to see in reality.

    The encyclopedia will provide invaluable assistance in understanding the world around us. ... Further

    Elena Kachur

    How is our planet structured? Why do trees grow at the foot of the mountains and glaciers lie on the tops? Why do waves happen and how does the wind appear? Why doesn’t the water in the rivers run out, and the seas don’t overflow? What kind of sun is under our feet? ... Further

    To find answers to these and many other questions, Chevostik and Uncle Kuzya set off on a journey again - this time on a magical flying swimmer. The heroes will fly around our beautiful planet, climb to the tops of mountains and descend into the depths of the sea, look closely at oceans, lakes and rivers, continents and islands, volcanoes and geysers. During the trip, Uncle Kuzya will talk about the most important natural phenomena and explain the reasons for their occurrence.

    The book is intended for children of primary school age. ... Further

  • For 150 million years of our planet's history, dinosaurs reigned supreme on land, water and air. On the pages of our encyclopedia we will tell and show how they lived and what they ate, what they looked like, we will introduce you to amazing facts about these animals. You will find out where they disappeared to (and did they all really disappear?), and get acquainted with the history of the Earth from its origin to the appearance of man. Welcome to the mysterious world of these amazing prehistoric animals!... Further

  • Anatoly Dimarov

    “Another Planet” by Anatoly Dimarov is a fantastic story that creates a picture of the life of a distant future, when apartments could be on the two-hundredth century, and people could fly to other planets***. The creation has primitive elements, the succession of the future vashtovane so, abi the least harmful to the environment. The author’s most famous works include “Yogo Family”, “Idol”, “The Ways of Life”, “I Will Be People”, “Pain and Fury”, “Son of the Captain”, “Peaks”, “Live and Revelation”, “On Horseback” and under the horse”, “Another Planet”. Anatoly Dimarov is a Ukrainian writer, a master of social-psychological prose, and the author of many luscious books for children.... Further

    Kristina Vybornova

    The few inhabitants of the planet, which is simply called Planetische, have been waiting for many years for the earthlings to evacuate them, but for some reason they are in no hurry. In the meantime, the parents send the girl nicknamed Lizard on vacation to her grandmother, who lives next to the mysterious and a terrible Reserve... During these holidays, the Lizard and her friends will find answers to many questions: why the animals of Planetishchi never leave the Reserve, and why there are so many ruins of mansions around, and why they don’t come for them from Earth... Or maybe the children will be able to explain an age-old misunderstanding and change the life of the entire Planetischi?... Further

    The illustrated encyclopedia is an indispensable reference publication about the amazing world in which we live. Together with the encyclopedia, you will take an unforgettable journey across our vast planet: on land and sea, in the atmosphere and in space, you will learn about how our planet has appeared, get to know the world natural spheres Earth - atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, as well as the internal structure of the globe. The encyclopedia will tell you in an accessible form about the relief of the earth's surface, the composition and properties of rocks, minerals, the internal forces of the Earth (the movement of lithospheric plates, volcanoes, geysers, earthquakes), as well as the flora and fauna.... Further

    Big children's encyclopedia. Planet Earth is an excellent modern encyclopedia for children, which will serve as an indispensable reference tool and tell the inquisitive reader about all the secrets of our planet.

    For a more exciting introduction to the encyclopedia's materials, the publication provides a variety of mini-games with adjustable difficulty levels, as well as tests to test knowledge.

    Thanks to convenient navigation and a search system, the disk can be used as a reference book, allowing you to quickly find information of interest, and, if necessary, make bookmarks or print it.

    The encyclopedia is addressed to curious children of middle and high school age, as well as their parents and teachers.

    * Our planet

    * Internal structure of the Earth

    * Movement earth's crust

    * Land relief

    *Water shell

    * Air shell

    * Shell of life

    * Humanity on Earth

    * Continents and oceans

    G. P. Shalaeva

    What are stars made of? Does the Sun shine the same way all the time? Can planets collide? Which planet has the highest mountains? Why do continents move? What is a seismic belt? What causes hot flashes? How do meteorologists predict the weather? Answers to these and others You will find questions in our book. Every little one will be happy to study it from cover to cover to find out what parents and friends don’t already know! The most interesting things about the stars, ours and other planets – for the most curious!... Further

  • The book opens up to the young reader the wonderful world of geography - the science of the Earth. It tells about famous navigators and travelers, the structure of the Earth and minerals, why earthquakes occur and how hurricanes are born. The book introduces the inhabitants different natural zones and continents of the Earth.... Further

  • Daria Ermakovich

    Our home is planet Earth. But how much do we know about her? Yes, the Earth is round, it rotates around its axis, it has continents, seas and oceans. However, have you ever wondered what is inside our planet, why natural disasters occur, how the Earth appeared in the first place, and maybe it has always existed? The book you hold in your hands will tell you, if not absolutely everything, then a lot about planet Earth. You will learn how weather differs from climate, about unusual natural phenomena, the hidden secrets of the World Ocean, that the surface of the Earth is not at all as smooth as we see it on the globe, and much more. In addition, the book contains a lot of beautiful illustrations that will help you better perceive new information. Do you want to immediately know everything about everything on Earth? Then go ahead: just open this wonderful book and you are guaranteed not only exciting reading, but also new knowledge!... Further

    For primary school age. ... Further

    Dmitry Koshevar

    Our planet is home to a huge variety of animals. But we saw only a few of them live. But how great it would be to pat the mane of the king of beasts, a lion, or ride on a giant elephant. All this is quite possible if you open this book! After all, you have hands a unique edition with augmented reality (AR) in the format of interactive 3D games. This means that you will not just get acquainted with the animals of the Earth by reading the text and looking at the illustrations, but you will see them in movement and volume: a long-necked giraffe, a clumsy hippopotamus and even a bloodthirsty crocodile will appear before you. Complete tasks and learn more about wild fauna! And realistic visual and sound special effects. that accompany the game will make reading this book even more fun.... Further

    Anastasia Orlova

    In this book with funny poems and beautiful pictures you can read so many interesting things: about the seasons, about mother and grandmother, about funny little animals and about everything that surrounds children at home, on the street and in kindergarten! ... Further

    For reading by adults to children under three years of age. ... Further

    Vyacheslav Likso

    There are so many mysterious things hidden in the amazing world of space that everyone is interested in it, literally from the first grade. How does the Sun affect our lives? How many constellations are there in the sky? Who revealed the secret of planetary motion? Why are Ursa Major and Ursa Minor so called? Who was the first to walk on the moon? Black hole - what is it?... Further

    An entertaining academy for children hospitably opened its pages to answer all the questions that arise and give them the opportunity to learn more about each planet of the solar system, satellites and others. celestial bodies and phenomena. By reading our book, inquisitive schoolchildren will discover a lot of new things about our infinite Universe, unravel many of its secrets, learn how modern science explores the vastness of space. The text is written in simple language, which makes it easy to understand. In addition, all materials are accompanied by colorful visual illustrations, which makes lessons on universe and planetary science even more entertaining, and the information is absorbed much faster: as they say, it’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times!

    For middle school age. ... Further

    Irina Travina

  • Irina Travina

    This book will introduce the youngest readers to our common home - planet Earth. They will receive the very first ideas about the solar system and the structure of the earth, about various natural phenomena occurring underground, on earth and in the atmosphere, about continents and oceans, as well as features of the flora and fauna.... Further

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