
What does it mean to be ambitious. Who is an ambitious person and what does ambition mean. See what "ambition" is in other dictionaries

1. Expression in the personality of the motives for achieving superiority, the desire for fame, for receiving awards, for an honorary position in any field of activity, sphere of public life.

2. Lust for power.

3. Thirst for fame, fame, honors.

3. Love for honoring, accepting honors.

4. moral sense, which manifests itself as a motive for actions performed to achieve social recognition, prestige, honor, fame, etc.

5. Social feeling, manifested as a motive for actions performed for the sake of achieving a person's primacy, dominance in a particular field of activity, acquiring influence and weight in any area of ​​public life.

6. Striving for a high, honorable position.

Ambition is spreading in society with the emergence of social inequality of people.

Normal, moderate Ambition is not a vice; forms one of the most important motives of social activity of people. Ambition as a desire for social recognition can play a relatively positive role in some cases, stimulating an increased social activity of a person. But, being an individualistic motive in nature, it prevents the education of the individual in the spirit of combining personal and public interests. In ambitious aspirations, social interests are taken into account by a person only in so far as they are consistent with his individualistic needs.

Hypertrophied (exorbitant and not supported by its own significance) Ambition is close in meaning to vanity. But, unlike vanity, Ambition is associated not so much with the desire to acquire cheap or fictitious fame and recognition from others, but with the desire to acquire a high social position, weight, influence, as well as to earn official recognition and the honors and awards associated with them.
In those cases when such motives become a characteristic property of human behavior, Ambition acquires the significance of a moral quality of a person.

Painful Ambition turns for its owner into a constant experience of unhappiness, gives rise to a feeling of chronic dissatisfaction with life, envy of someone else's success.

The extreme form of Ambition is careerism.

Ambition in children is often formed by parents and teachers who, by virtue of their own ambitions, consider their children to be the brightest and most gifted personalities.
To a certain extent, stimulation of Ambition can also play a positive role in the development of personality. But if children's abilities turn out to be illusory and are not realized as children grow up, then ambitious aspirations can cause moral and mental trauma.
The ambition of teachers and parents often contributes to the formation of boasting, arrogance, disrespect for other people. Therefore, it is important to correct not only the Ambition of children, but also your own, adult Ambition in relation to children.

In fact, this word is not as harmless as it seems. We'll find out why later. First, you need to first look at the translation of this word from Church Slavonic. Many contemporaries, especially young people, are confused in the concept or have never heard it at all. Secondly, let's list examples in more detail in order to understand what ambition is. The definition of this word, of course, is best given clear and precise. Suppose there is a word "honor". Not everyone knows what it is. And we will immediately get the answer: self-assessment when performing any action.

What does it mean?

What is ambition? It is better to immediately give a simpler and more understandable answer. Ambition is the love of honors. What do they mean? Have you seen how people strive to take first place, to lead in any area of ​​life? They can safely be called ambitious.

Believe me, "chesto" does not mean "honest", the word "honor" dominates here. If you divide the word "ambition" into two halves, you get "honor" and "love." What do we end up with? Love honor, strive for it. This includes fame, leadership, praise in your address.

Ambition is a sin

Let's look at the Christian point of view. Ambition in the Orthodox environment is a sinful act. A Christian shouldn't be like that, because it grieves God. A person should be modest, not stand out among others. Jesus Christ Himself during his lifetime avoided glory and honor when he healed the sick. Such an example is described in the Holy Gospel.

Should such a vice as this be avoided? Why vice? After all, every victory brings joy. In fact, such joy is deceptive. There is such an episode in the Gospel where Christ tells a parable about the first and last places: whoever sits down from those invited in the first row will be asked to sit down in the farthest place. And the one who sat modestly and very far away is invited to take a place of honor next to the owner. And Jesus ended this parable like this: The Kingdom of Heaven is similar to this parable.

As modern priests say, ambition is the desire to strive for glory, recognition, majesty. But this is inherent in everything a proud person.

Ambition for a contemporary

What is ambition for modern man? In fact different kinds aspirations have existed at all times. For example, a young man dreams of becoming an athlete. They ask him: "Why, why?". If he answers: "I want to become a great champion in the world so that I have awards, respect!". Ambition is here. The brightest and most accurate example.

Let's consider another option. The man got a job. He is a simple employee with a small salary, but he has the ability to manage. He has a big family, money is not enough. For the sake of loved ones, but also for the sake of colleagues, he strives to become a leader. Having become a director, he earns for the family, honestly pays salaries to employees, helps them, strives to be everyone's friend. Can such a person be called ambitious? Of course not. On the contrary, if a simple worker dreamed of becoming a director for the purpose of leadership and honor, then he most likely would not become a subordinate friend and assistant.

How not to be ambitious?

Suppose a person is on his knees before God, wholeheartedly asks for forgiveness for having had pride: he looked down on others and strived to be considered the most important, best of all. And now he is ashamed, tormented by conscience. He doesn't need it anymore. He wants to change.

We have looked at what ambition is. Now let's see what can be the opposite of this vice. As a rule, a person is modest, quiet, inconspicuous. He only obeys unquestioningly, obeys, unless, of course, the request or order does not run counter to conscience.

The one who rejects ambition will say, for example: I don't need a prize, let someone else get it.

An ambitious person is an individual who strives to be better than others. He wants to be richer, more successful, more recognizable, he wants to achieve success with which he can surpass other people. or bad? What is the reason, and what are the motives of people who want superiority over others?

Conversations about what it means to be ambitious often come down to endowing people with a thirst for power, subjugation of other people and showing superiority over others. But it is not so. Ambition is a healthy human desire to become better. This is an incentive to develop and move on, grow above yourself and constantly improve. Ambition is given to us at birth in an embryonic state and gradually develops throughout life. And it is on its correct development that the adequacy of the perception of one's goals and the means by which they will be achieved depends.

Development is always a positive process. And the ambition of a person makes him move forward and overcome himself and his laziness. This quality is very important in people's lives and gives them the opportunity to achieve success and fame. After all, otherwise there would be no famous scientists and discoveries, inventions and progress of all mankind.

An ambitious person is an individual who strives forward. He mobilizes his inner hidden resources and makes them work for his own good. It helps a person to set difficult goals for himself and achieve them by working on himself and improving himself.

An ambitious person is a winner by nature. He strives to be the first and win both in competitions and in life. The desire to be the first makes him go forward and not stop there.

But the desire to be the first always and in everything can play not only a positive role. Very often, the thirst for superiority over other people pushes a person to unseemly acts. An exorbitant craving for fame, wealth, success or fame leads to a constant race for an unattainable goal and makes a person behave ugly and meanly towards other people, go over their heads, being alone.

Speaking of how ambitious are you? Synonyms for this word often include the word "vain". Such a person seeks to occupy a high position both in life and in society, using any goals for this. The goals and aspirations of such a person are always self-centered. He listens only to himself and always acts in his own interests, not neglecting the opportunity to bypass competitors by dishonest methods.

Do not confuse these concepts. Kindness to other people and to their successes is what first of all characterizes an ambitious person. This radically distinguishes him from vainglorious individuals and firmly delimits these concepts.

Everything should be in moderation. Ambition is necessary for a person in life to develop and achieve their goals. It has a positive impact on all areas of life. And most importantly - do not strive for the impossible. It is impossible to become an outstanding scientist tomorrow if you are still a student today. It is necessary to realistically assess your capabilities, set goals and go towards them. And everything will work out!

It often happens that a person is completely captured by a new business. All his thoughts are completely occupied with how to succeed. Having not yet conquered great heights, he already anticipates the joy that the achievement of the goal should bring. This quality is called ambition.

Ambition: what is itlike this?

To say this concept is rather difficult. Ambition is most often understood as the desire for honors, glory and a high position in society. There are many who want to get such a result, however, not everyone can admit it. The reason for this is quite prosaic: such people are simply afraid of condemnation from society. After all, such a quality, as a rule, is identified with a painful desire for fame. Many people think: ambition - what is it really?

It is difficult to make a portrait of an ambitious person, since his appearance and behavior can be very diverse. Outwardly, such a person can behave extremely modestly and unassumingly. Often his ambition is a secret knowledge with which he is not ready to share with others.

Ambition: what is itand what is its use?

In fact, ambition can be both healthy and painful. All people who have achieved success in one area or another are unequivocally ambitious. They are attracted by the process of achieving a goal and gaining recognition. This property acts as a good motivator. It does not allow a person to go astray, even when it is difficult for him. But for a person who has a healthy ambition, fame will play a special role. It will be something like a pleasant bonus to the efforts made and nothing more.

Vanity and ambition

Another thing is when the desire to rest on our laurels becomes an end in itself. This quality is called vanity. Such a person is not interested in the fruits of his activities, he does not care what benefit he will bring to others by his actions. Sometimes the vain act even to the detriment of himself. A striking example of such a desire for empty glory are the stars of show business. Many of them are ready to put everything on the altar for the sake of recognition: love, family and health.

The difference between a vain person and an ambitious person is that an ambitious person will never give up his moral convictions for the sake of glory. A vain individual is ready to step over himself for the sake of recognition.

It turns out that there is a rather thin line between ambition and vanity, which is very easy to break. Ambition is a very vague and ambiguous definition.

If it is healthy, then this is a quality that should be present in everyone. The presence of such motivation makes people conquer new heights. This is the desire to do something better than others, to succeed in some business.

Ultimately ambition - what is it? In simple words, such a property is the desire to be successful and respected for the efforts made. Diligence, self-confidence, perseverance - this is not a complete list of the characteristics of an ambitious person. If you direct all these qualities in the right direction, then this property will be your trump card, and not a vice.

In the modern world, a person who is not ambitious has a hard time. What does ambition mean in today's world? Can this concept be classified as negative? In the end, we ourselves choose the paths that we will follow. Someone's conscience hurts their eyes to pass by a beggar, and someone without a twinge of conscience snatches a tin can of coins from him. In this article, we will analyze and what it is expressed in.


This term expresses a property of character, which manifests itself as clearly defined personal goals, motives and methods for achieving fame, primacy, honorary position and recognition in any field of activity. The word "ambition" sounds rather grandiloquent, but if you disassemble its components, you can find a merger of two simple words: honor and love. Such a phrase has a positive connotation only when an individual, striving to earn "honor", does good deeds without infringing on the rights and freedoms of other people, rises up the career ladder with dignity and honor.

But the reality is that often the meaning of the word "ambition" is not so noble - it means a person who yearns for honor at any cost, such a person, putting his person above others, goes to his goal, sacrificing those around him. This quality in psychology is an indicator of selfish behavior. And as many great psychologists have said, selfishness is “a sin human soul».

What is ambition: manifestations and properties

Ambition determines the specific actions of a person in achieving a career, individual success. A person striving to realize ambitious goals strives with all his might to do his job better than others, constantly improves, develops willpower and potential.

A smart and decent person is distinguished by ambition, which is justified by his knowledge, truthfulness, nobility. The value of ambition in the life of such a person does not prevail over his humanity. He stands out from the rest with a clear head and a kind heart.

The difference between vanity and ambition

One would think that vanity can be called a synonym for ambition. However, vanity is more focused on a cheap effect, it is suitable for one-day people, buffoons. In comparison with this trait of character, ambition is achieved by a deeply thought-out project. This is a serious purposeful and long process of achieving success, at the top of which the brilliance of the virtues of her "climber" will be clearly and clearly reflected.

True ambition can only be satisfied by well-deserved, and not far-fetched, glory. Such an ambitious person commands sincere respect.

Where do roots grow from?

For those who are interested in what ambition is and where it comes from, such a personal quality appears as a result of a person’s inner need to assert himself and prove to the whole world his value and significance, to receive tangible evidence of his merits.

Ambition is more of a masculine quality. It should be on a par with such masculine qualities as purposefulness, responsibility and self-confidence. Try to find a woman who would be satisfied with her state of affairs, because women are an aggregate for the production of desires. A man, as an ambitious person, will accumulate women's desires in his mind and subconsciously strive for more in order to provide himself and his companion with a better standard of living. By the way, women easily recognize vanity, which does not at all make a person pleasant, but only repels.

Only those who see ahead of their success and recognition of merit are ready to work. Those who are convinced of their own worth gain self-respect and a healthy sense of self-worth. Respect does not need words, when a person is respected, he feels it, as, by the way, those around him, seeing the attitude of others towards him, are imbued with a sense of respect for him.

Ambition, built into the psychological organization of a person, acts as an ethical quality of a person and is revealed in the interaction of a person with society.

Caution: ambition!

When ambition is inherent in a good person, it is constructive, healthy and positive for others.

If it becomes a property of a bad person, then, being at the disposal of a destructive personality, it can have an unpleasant effect on people's lives, especially when such a person gains power.

It makes sense for society to nurture healthy professional and career ambition in people. It is healthy ambition that motivates for productive social activity. Therefore, it is considered an extremely positive personality trait. By developing a healthy ambition in oneself, a person can achieve unprecedented heights.

This is a completely normal and natural desire - to provide your family with housing, a garage, a garden, and even a swimming pool. Even more natural is the desire of a person to give his children the best education, to send them abroad to ski or sail on a yacht. These are just applications in life. But will people work overtime if they are not lured by such a lure? Who will study scientific treatises day and night if he does not expect to receive a degree in the future?

In other words, it is impossible to imagine the progress of mankind apart from the ambitious thoughts of its most enterprising and enterprising representatives.

Ambition as part of other character traits

In itself, ambition without reference to other positive qualities of a person becomes a simple fantasy. Only when it is in alliance with purposefulness, perseverance, perseverance, determination, constancy, responsibility, does it turn into a formidable force crushing all obstacles. Fueled by enthusiasm and inspiration, the ambitious person tries to assert himself in his chosen environment. Thanks to ambition, all the forces of a person are directed towards achieving the goal, as if a clot of colossal energy breaks through the dam of dissatisfaction with life.

Prominent ambition

If a person is overwhelmed by hypertrophied, exorbitant, ambition not supported by its own significance, then in all its characteristics it becomes akin to cheap vanity. Painful ambition, which is associated, as in the case of vanity, with the search for vain glory, gives rise to a feeling of chronic dissatisfaction with life, worries and suffering, envy of other people's success, sacrificing love for a spouse, children and friends.

Enemies of ambition

This character trait can have only two enemies - an unfulfilled dream and someone's achieved goal. This is the case when an arrogant person discovers a lack of talent in himself. Of course, the dream in this case will suffer and remain a dream forever. If this happens to a person, then his wounded ambition finds the reason in the lack of time, in circumstances, bad luck, evil fate and intrigues of enemies.

The second case is a vivid example of the wrong goal setting. This is the very moment when ambition meets the lack of happiness, although the peak may already be conquered. Even more suffering brings the realization that he always went to an imposed, alien goal, which appeared under the influence of stereotypes, false beliefs, beliefs and the influence of society.

This article told you what ambition is. And how to perceive it is already a personal matter for everyone.

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